Hi everyone, just spent yesterday afternoon updating my website. If you could wander over and check out the new design I would very much appreciate it :)
Went for a simplistic look. Just needs to be efficient and easy on the eyes.
Now just gotta get more art done!
Hi guys thanks for the feedback :)
Those buttons are a problem :/ Been trying to think of ways to make them more obvious without cluttering my clean design with text all over it. At the bottom of the page is a sentence telling the user the boxes are navigation, i might move that text up to the top of the page.
Also, I put in things so when you hover the mouse over the buttons, that little yellow box comes up with name of the section it is linking to. Though the yellow info box only comes up in IE and not mozilla which is the browser I'm using... grrr.
Anyway might have to go back to the drawing board and figure out a new design. Doh!
Site suits your art work and your art work rocks. The only thing is you may want to add an space in between your first and surname on your logo.