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Bachelor of animation at griffith

Submitted by Forlostu on

Hey i was just wondering if there is anyone here who is currently doing the bachelor of animation course at griffith in brisbane. I am planning on going there next year and was just wondering if anyone could tell me if its worth enrolling or if there are better courses in Queensland. I am mostly interested in 2d animation however I also love 3d. Could anyone help me out?
Thanks alot.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Sun, 02/02/03 - 4:12 AMPermalink

BA at Griffith in animation, do you mean at QCA (which is Griffith by another name, and if it's still around)?


Submitted by Brain on Sun, 02/02/03 - 12:44 PMPermalink

Yeah, it'd be QCA.

I applied for the BA Animation, as I've seen a fair portion of work come out of there, and was mighty impressed. I've also not heard a negative thing against it so far (not that I've talked to masses of ex-students, but still...) You'll get plenty of 2D, as it's based on the fundamentals. Heck, you could do 2D all through the course if it wasn't a requirement (which no doubt it is. Broadens your scope on animation)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by Forlostu on Mon, 03/02/03 - 9:07 AMPermalink

Yeah the QCA is just another of Griffith's colleges. Hey Brain, you said you applied, did you nake it? I applied for this year but my portfolio application was rather unimpressive so i didn't make it. I've decided to just spend this year practicing my skills then reapplying next year.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Mon, 03/02/03 - 9:14 PMPermalink

I got in a few years back, then on week 2 they tried to slug us by telling us we needed to buy hardware worth over $1300 because one of the lecturers decided we needed it now. (Being a poor student with no family support this was not possible) That combined with the fact that the lecturers where so fanatical about Disney you would think they where taking kick backs and the fact that they hated Japanese?s anime Quote ?I have never seen anything good come out of Japanese anime? made me run from the course. My fianc? who did post grad stuff there had similar experiences, but this was all 4 ? 5 years ago so I can?t say what it is like now.


Submitted by Brain on Tue, 04/02/03 - 1:16 AMPermalink

Forlostu: No, didn't make it in. Shall try again next year.

Pantmonger: *cringe* Yike. They can't still think like that. Disney's animation has certainly dropped in quality over the last few years. And dismissing Anime is wrong. So very wrong.

Chris Bowden

Submitted by Dilphinus on Tue, 04/02/03 - 11:31 AMPermalink

Personally, I think QCA (Queensland College of Art, Griffith University) is a cool and great place to study Animation. They teach you the basics and then you can move on from there on your own. Most important thing is to learn the basic principles of drawing and animation. I did traditional animation and computer animation (not at QCA, unfortunately!). But it's one of the schools recommended by my lecturers. Learning 2D animation is fun and you'll don't realised that there is so much behind animation!

I think QCA is the only place to learn animation in Australia. If you have the financial means, go for Sheridan College in Canada. It's also another tough school to enter...but almost all the graduates get jobs! And Sheridan College is a renowned school for animation.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 04/02/03 - 7:34 PMPermalink

No offence but it seems to be a weird thing to say that you think QCA is a great and cool place to study animation if you have never studied animation there. I only commented because I have, because my fianc? has, and because I have a large pool of friends that did. I don?t disagree that learning the basics of 2D animation would be a good thing but this is a degree, so an informed decision on where you want to spend 3 years of your life can go a long way. My understanding is that it is the only BA in animation in Australia, but don?t let that fool you, all that means is that they have tacked an extra year onto the studies and have added a bunch of tenuously linked subjects such as art history to give it enough weight to be called a BA, the amount of actual animation you do is still about the level you get in a Dip of Animation. Think long and hard before going there, or get accepted and have a look in I think you have 2 t 3 weeks in which to bail before incurring any bad points.


Submitted by Forlostu on Wed, 05/02/03 - 8:54 AMPermalink

ok thanks for all your replies. I also applied for QANTM last year but didn't make it either. However reading some of your comments on QANTM in other posts has made me think that i got lucky in not making it. Im self teaching myself at the moment with Richard Williams book the 'Animators Survival Kit'. Its great. Has anyone else got it?

Posted by Forlostu on

Hey i was just wondering if there is anyone here who is currently doing the bachelor of animation course at griffith in brisbane. I am planning on going there next year and was just wondering if anyone could tell me if its worth enrolling or if there are better courses in Queensland. I am mostly interested in 2d animation however I also love 3d. Could anyone help me out?
Thanks alot.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Sun, 02/02/03 - 4:12 AMPermalink

BA at Griffith in animation, do you mean at QCA (which is Griffith by another name, and if it's still around)?


Submitted by Brain on Sun, 02/02/03 - 12:44 PMPermalink

Yeah, it'd be QCA.

I applied for the BA Animation, as I've seen a fair portion of work come out of there, and was mighty impressed. I've also not heard a negative thing against it so far (not that I've talked to masses of ex-students, but still...) You'll get plenty of 2D, as it's based on the fundamentals. Heck, you could do 2D all through the course if it wasn't a requirement (which no doubt it is. Broadens your scope on animation)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by Forlostu on Mon, 03/02/03 - 9:07 AMPermalink

Yeah the QCA is just another of Griffith's colleges. Hey Brain, you said you applied, did you nake it? I applied for this year but my portfolio application was rather unimpressive so i didn't make it. I've decided to just spend this year practicing my skills then reapplying next year.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Mon, 03/02/03 - 9:14 PMPermalink

I got in a few years back, then on week 2 they tried to slug us by telling us we needed to buy hardware worth over $1300 because one of the lecturers decided we needed it now. (Being a poor student with no family support this was not possible) That combined with the fact that the lecturers where so fanatical about Disney you would think they where taking kick backs and the fact that they hated Japanese?s anime Quote ?I have never seen anything good come out of Japanese anime? made me run from the course. My fianc? who did post grad stuff there had similar experiences, but this was all 4 ? 5 years ago so I can?t say what it is like now.


Submitted by Brain on Tue, 04/02/03 - 1:16 AMPermalink

Forlostu: No, didn't make it in. Shall try again next year.

Pantmonger: *cringe* Yike. They can't still think like that. Disney's animation has certainly dropped in quality over the last few years. And dismissing Anime is wrong. So very wrong.

Chris Bowden

Submitted by Dilphinus on Tue, 04/02/03 - 11:31 AMPermalink

Personally, I think QCA (Queensland College of Art, Griffith University) is a cool and great place to study Animation. They teach you the basics and then you can move on from there on your own. Most important thing is to learn the basic principles of drawing and animation. I did traditional animation and computer animation (not at QCA, unfortunately!). But it's one of the schools recommended by my lecturers. Learning 2D animation is fun and you'll don't realised that there is so much behind animation!

I think QCA is the only place to learn animation in Australia. If you have the financial means, go for Sheridan College in Canada. It's also another tough school to enter...but almost all the graduates get jobs! And Sheridan College is a renowned school for animation.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 04/02/03 - 7:34 PMPermalink

No offence but it seems to be a weird thing to say that you think QCA is a great and cool place to study animation if you have never studied animation there. I only commented because I have, because my fianc? has, and because I have a large pool of friends that did. I don?t disagree that learning the basics of 2D animation would be a good thing but this is a degree, so an informed decision on where you want to spend 3 years of your life can go a long way. My understanding is that it is the only BA in animation in Australia, but don?t let that fool you, all that means is that they have tacked an extra year onto the studies and have added a bunch of tenuously linked subjects such as art history to give it enough weight to be called a BA, the amount of actual animation you do is still about the level you get in a Dip of Animation. Think long and hard before going there, or get accepted and have a look in I think you have 2 t 3 weeks in which to bail before incurring any bad points.


Submitted by Forlostu on Wed, 05/02/03 - 8:54 AMPermalink

ok thanks for all your replies. I also applied for QANTM last year but didn't make it either. However reading some of your comments on QANTM in other posts has made me think that i got lucky in not making it. Im self teaching myself at the moment with Richard Williams book the 'Animators Survival Kit'. Its great. Has anyone else got it?