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Ty review roundup


It's been a few weeks since Ty, the Tasmanian Tiger by Krome has been released, and I've decided to search around and see what the reviews are saying about it. Generally, they have been fairly good (the game rating at around a 7 out of 10), and most agreeing that the artwork and sound is of high standard. The flaws in Ty expressed generally relate to gameplay issues, with it's coin collecting type of play, lack of innovation, and short length (even though it has 17 levels!!)..

"As a gameplay experience alone, the game walks a safe line that's been tread many times over in the past. Gamers who have had their share of platform collection games will find absolutely nothing new or exciting in Ty worthy of their monetary or time investment." - Cube.IGN

"Despite the fact that there is nothing really innovative presented here, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is still a delightful romp in the old Outback. Gamers will still get a kick out of the charming characters and interesting objectives so this is a highly recommended rental." - Xbox Gamezone

"Ty the Tasmanian Tiger makes no effort in hiding its influences. This is a Mario clone through and through, just done really well. There's item collecting, a hub world connecting several elemental mini-worlds, and lots of characters full" - Xbox IGN (they have a funny comment in there that Ty looks like Penny's dog, from Inspector Gadget.. well, I thought it was funny :))

"Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is great for younger players and can provide a satisfying experience for teens and adults as long as they don't mind their replay value coming from finding every last collectible in the game." - Gamespot

"To be blunt, the most ringing endorsement I can give the experience is that it isn't all that bad. It just isn't all that exciting, either." - Gamespy (GCN)