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AustralianGamer tour Sega Creative Assembly

Yug from AustralianGamer has given me the word that their tour of Creative Assembly (which I've been insisted that it is now called Sega Creative Assembly!) studio is up on available for viewing at They have an interview with Ashley Parker, Senior Producer on Medieval II: Total Wars Kingdoms as well as founder, Ken Turner, who chats about the company's origins and the future brings for (Sega) Creative Assembly...

Ken: ... Basically, we left EA (they had a Gold Coast studio back then), and by left I mean in the nicest possible way - booted out the door. George used to get Creative Assembly to do all the sports products, local sports: AFL, Rugby and stuff like that. I think they even did an early version of FIFA on the PC way back when. So, when Tim, the owner of Creative Assembly at the time, heard that we were available to resources, he went "wow, that?s great, I?ve always wanted to have an Australian studio". Back then I think we were seen as terribly low cost.

Both interviews are fantastic and well worth a read to find out the who, what, and why's of all things Creative Assembly...