Auran had a huge launch party for Fury all around Australia, and the fine folks at AustralianGamer were there to drink all the booze available report on the talks, game demonstrations, and mingle with FHM models, CEO's, and other local developers. You can see their coverage on all the festivities and shenanigans at the following links....
Sdyney Fury launch party
Melbourne Fury launch party
Brisbane Fury launch party
(Yug at the Brisbane launch) Next up was Tony Hilliam (Auran CEO) showcased a multimedia presentation involving a 3d rendered Fury cut scene, the infamous ?Life happens? trailer, and a relevant clip from the South Park WoW episode. He went on to explain the process of turning FHM model Siobhan Parekh into a playable character, and also announced the upcoming Fury Challenge ? with one million dollars (cue Dr Evil pose) in prizes.
I read the Brisbane one. Wow... Was the article about the game launch or was it just the "journalists" writing about themselves? Shit article for what might well be a great game.
I agree, terrible article, couldn't stand any of it ... I noticed there were sub links linking the 3 articles together, and the game is more detailed in the Sydney (page1) coverage and they didn't want to just repeat the same feature 3 times, but bah - who would want to do all that crazy reading by online "journalists".
I agree, terrible article, couldn't stand any of it ... I noticed there were sub links linking the 3 articles together, and the game is more detailed in the Sydney (page1) coverage and they didn't want to just repeat the same feature 3 times, but bah - who would want to do all that crazy reading by online "journalists".
Where is Sdyney?
^^^ America needs maps... for the education of South Africa and Iraq, such as.
Please bring maps to America!!
^^^ America needs maps... for the education of South Africa and Iraq, such as.
Please bring maps to America!!