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Mudbox Workshops - Foundations and Advanced with David King

Mudbox Workshops - Foundations and Advanced

AIE Sydney, Canberra & Melbourne

Mudbox is a digital sculpting and texture painting software that allows 3D modeling professionals the ability to quickly and easily create highly detailed organic and inorganic 3D assets using an intuitive interface. AIE and Dave King are offering two one-day workshops which will teach digital sculpting foundations and advanced techniques using Mudbox through a series of practical exercises. Dave King's work includes creatures and characters for a staggering range of game, film and commercial projects.

Mudbox 1: Solid Foundations
This one day, hands-on workshop takes you from first opening Mudbox to having a solid production workflow from import to export. Dave King (see bio below) will take you through a series of real world practical exercises, as well as giving you feedback, tips and tricks from well over a decade of producing creatures for games, game cinematics, TV commercials and film.

Students get several base models to keep and practice on, and get to keep all the files they create.

Part 1: Getting muddy

Navigating the interface
Using the viewport (Display modes, Lighting)

Part 2: Mesh

Planning your meshes
Importing your meshes

Part 3: Sculpting basics

Understanding the sculpting tools
Customising your brushes
Mirroring techniques
Sculpting using layers

Part 4: Putting that all into practice

Basic creature sculpting techniques

Part 5: Modeling from source

Importing and manipulating reference material
Sculpting theory and Basic anatomy

Part 6: Detailing

Working with fine details

Part 7: Getting it all out

Exporting meshes
Exporting displacements and normal maps

Pre-requisites: No prior Mudbox experience necessary, participants should have some experience with 3D software

Duration: 10am to 5pm

Cost: $220 (inc GST) or $490 (save $60) for both workshops (foundations & advanced).


AIE Sydney
Friday 14th August

Level 2,
Wentworth Park
Grandstand, Wattle St,
Ultimo NSW 2007

Ph: (02) 8514 8800

AIE Canberra
Friday 4th September

Block E, Canberra Tech Park
Phillip Avenue
Watson ACT 2602

Ph: (02) 6162 5131

AIE Melbourne
Thursday 24th September

Level 8, Atari Building
14 Queens Road
Melbourne VIC 3004

Ph: (03) 9820 8201

Mudbox 2: Advanced Techniques
Dave King's second one day practical workshop takes you beyond the foundation skills in mudbox and covers more advanced sculpting techniques and workflows, as well as the powerful texturing and light features. Students should take away a strong grasp of how to use mudbox in their animation production pipeline.

Part 8: Texturing in Mudbox

Setting up materials
Creating bump, diffuse, specular, reflection maps
Importing and exporting maps into photoshop
Stencil mapping

Part 9: Advanced Stencil sculpting Techniques

Advanced stencil sculpting tricks - reusing elements across whole productions

Part 10: Blend shapes (morph targets)

Good workflows using layers
Creating facial pose libraries
Introduction to facial anatomy and theory

Part 11: Circular 3D package workflow and deformation displacements

Tricks for getting precise displacement
Working back and forth between mudbox and your 3d package (maya, max, xsi, etc).
Bridging between mudbox and zbrush. Porting Z-brush projects to mudbox. (Optional - class vote)
Creating deformation displacements - sculpting over dynamic character poses
Corrective displacement (theory in maya / 3dsmax)

Part 12: Sculpting tips and discussion
An open floor where Dave shows anything students would like to see covered, such as 'how do I tackle sculpting a- X ' or 'I always get stuck doing X – whats the workaround?' and so forth.

Pre-requisites: Prior Mudbox experience necessary or completion of Foundation Workshop on previous day

Duration: 10am to 5pm

Cost: $330 (inc GST) or $490 (save $60) for both workshops (foundations & advanced).


AIE Sydney
Saturday 15th August

Level 2,
Wentworth Park
Grandstand, Wattle St,
Ultimo NSW 2007

Ph: (02) 8514 8800

AIE Canberra
Saturday 5th September

Block E, Canberra Tech Park
Phillip Avenue
Watson ACT 2602

Ph: (02) 6162 5131

AIE Melbourne
Friday 25th September

Level 8, Atari Building
14 Queens Road
Melbourne VIC 3004

Ph: (03) 9820 8201

About Dave King
Dave King's work includes creatures and characters for a staggering range of projects, from films such as Where The Wild Things Are through to AAA video games such as Dragonage, Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, Unreal Tournament 04 and Civilization IV among others. His TV commercial work includes dancing Ribena Berries to the Cannes Lion winning advert 'Comcast Rabbit' from Animal Logic.

He is recognised as a top modeling expert by Autodesk, and has appeared as special guest at 3dsmax launches as well as being the Games Development Specialist for Autodesk in the Asia Pacific. Dave has lectured all over the world, including SIGGRAPH and the Games Developers Conference and is the author of the best selling '3D Creature Workshop' at Turbosquid. He was also the Art Director at Microforte for over six years. All this, and Dave started as an AIE student!