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UGO Coverage on Transformers Armada

Ugo has an extensive coverage of Atari Melbourne House's Transformers Aramada game with an interview with Jonathan Chmura, producer at Atari Studios Beverly (where he reveals that there are plans for a sequel!), along with another interview with Mark Coombes, producer at Atari's Melbourne House. There are some huge end-of-level bosses revealed ingame, and I'm curious as to how Unicron will appear. If you've never seen the movie, Unicron happens to be an enormous planet-size transforming bad guy. :) There's also a preview giving more details about the game, and an article on the Transformers pre-release party that took place in an aircraft carrier in America! Ugo has plenty of new screenshots for you to look at, and tonnes of stuff to read, so click on the link below!

Gamesdomain also has an article on Transformers Armada which you can view by clicking here.