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Atari Melbourne House and Transformers

The Sydney Morning Herald website has an article on Atari Melbourne House today, briefly going through the history of Australia's longest running game development company...

"Melbourne House has produced more than 160 games on many different console and computer formats since 1980.

Formerly a book publisher, Melbourne House dipped its toe into game development when founder Alfred Milgrom produced a Space Invaders clone and a book, 30 Programs for your ZX80.

Riding the popularity of the Commodore 64 and Sinclair Spectrum home computers, the company became one of the world's leading games developers."

The article also talks about their latest title, Transformers, which was "developed in an astonishing 13 months by a team of about 70 people". Now that's a pretty big team for a title :). Nice article, and well worth a read!