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Krome Studios and Transmission Games in Develop 100


Develop 100 ranks the world's games development studios based on the revenues their products made at retail in the UK, and the latest update has two Australian studios making the list. It's the best result we've had so far as a nation in the Develop 100, however, it's rather unfortunate that one of the studios has since closed down.

Krome Studios made an appearance in the Develop 100 list back in 2007, just breaking in a #94. With combined 7 million pounds worth of sales from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Scene It, and a whole string of Star Wars titles, Krome have surpassed their previous record by nearly forty places to reach an admirable #54 placing.

Transmission Games made 5.05 million pounds of sales from titles such as Ashes Cricket and Heroes over Europe. They took the #65 spot in the Develop 100, and as we all know by now, are no longer in business.

Other local developers who have made it into the Develop 100 list include Tantalus back in 2007.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 16/05/10 - 7:58 PM Permalink


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 17/05/10 - 10:58 PM Permalink

I don't get it... a sales-based listing includes a non-existent company as selling lots of games in Britain?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)