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Designer Diary with John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis from Krome Studios


Gamespot has a designer diary with two Krome Studio co-founders, John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis about Ty, the Tasmanian Tiger 2. John, the designer and script writer for TY2, discusses his thoughts on the direction of where the sequel has headed, revealing some discarded ideas such as time travel. Steve shares his thoughts on the visual direction of TY2, with anime-robots being a big influence. A bit of trivia is revealed where a lot of the characters in game are based on Krome employees themselves. An interesting read!

"Rex the Platypus and Ranger Ken are based on CEO Robert Walsh and Ty 2 producer Lindsay Parmenter, respectively. Continuing this tradition, Steve based the characters more directly on the victims, er, targets. For example, Bruno Ram is based on lead artist Bruno Rime, Johnno is based on game designer John Passfield, and Gooboo Steve is based on a certain artist who will remain nameless."