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Jurassic Park : Operation Genisis previews


Gamespy and Homelanfed have previews of Blue Tongue's Jurassic Park : Operation Genisis game. Gamespy points to some slight niggles with their Xbox preview, but sums up the game with

"....despite my apathy towards both dinosaurs in general and the Jurassic Park license in specific, this game has kindled my imagination. It's an excellent match for the license and looks to be one of the higher-quality outings it's yet had, to boot."

.. and both previews praising the gaphic quality of the game... Homelanfed comments..

"Graphically, Blue Tongue has done an excellent job with Operation Genesis. This game pretty much blows away the 2D sprite look of Zoo Tycoon in looks with a full 3D park. Highly detailed buildings, great looking natural features like trees and water and of course good looking dinosaurs make this game look far better than other games of this time like Rollercoster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon."

Read more at Homelanfed, and Gamespy.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/02/03 - 12:38 PM Permalink

  • 1. Andy - Friday, October 01, 2004 - 8:44:04 AM
    Hey! the game is cool and I like the dinosures
  • 2. chris shortridge - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 11:32:03 AM
    yah i know it is cool. But i just wish i could actually get it........
  • 3. Anonymous Coward - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 5:38:27Z
    were can you buy it?