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Dissecta: Anatomy of a DVD Game

The next Dissecta event will be taking an in-depth look at creating and commercialising, one of the less well known game industries in Australia - DVD board games.

While it doesn't usually enter people's minds, the video game industry co-exists closely with the board game industry. As video games have been growing and establishing their credentials as mainstream family entertainment, the board game industry has also been growing, partly due to a European renaissance spurring game design and partly due to innovative board games that incorporate moving images and digital media. DVD board games are a tenuous bridge between traditional video games and board games, and have evolved naturally from video board games, such as Nightmare in the early 90's.

The key speaker for this event will be Tom Parkinson, Managing Director of DVD Trivia Games, Chair of the Electronic Games Investment Fund and proprietor of Avoka Media.

This is a free event, and for the first time there will be the additional lure of free Pizza as well as free drinks. However places are limited, so book your spot by emailing