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L.A Noire magazine cover


It's getting closer to the big reveal coming in the March edition of Game Informer of the highly anticipated L.A Noire.

Game Informer have given a small taste of what's coming by showing off the front cover of their March edition magazine, as well as what's expected in their big reveal of Team Bondi's detective thriller...

Over the course of our 10-page feature we look at the game’s astonishing reconstruction of 1947 Los Angeles and learn how the team took on such a massive undertaking. We also talk to the team to see L.A. Noire’s groundbreaking facial-animation system in action, and learn how it might change the way we look at games from now on.

Check out the front cover at the following link!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/02/10 - 1:49 PM Permalink

Finally. Now to wait and see Team Bondi go into liquidation after the game is released. Rockstar can't be happy about the rumored budget blowout of this title. Wasn't it Tom Crago that was once quoted saying it will be the most expensive game ever made?

Team Bondi needs to have something else going for it post LA Noire otherwise their story could come to an end just like Transmision games.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 05/02/10 - 2:37 PM Permalink

Can we just hold off on the negative remarks already? We already have two large threads on LA Noire with the same remarks, and we don't need yet another one going the exact same route. How about at least waiting and seeing something of the game first before passing judgement.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/02/10 - 2:41 PM Permalink

100% agreed, even if there are people who have grudges against Team Bondi for various reasons I think everyone should be hoping for LA Noire to do well. A locally produced hit (commercially and critically) is exactly the kind of morale booster the Australian games industry needs at the moment.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/02/10 - 2:47 PM Permalink

Many of us have first hand experience with the game. Let's not forget how massive their turnover is. Yet if we make an educated comment on LA Noire's quality then because it hasn't been released publicly people assume we're lying or trolling.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 05/02/10 - 3:00 PM Permalink

The main point is that we already have two other L.A Noire related threads with a lot of Team Bondi bashing. Do we really need another one?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/02/10 - 4:17 PM Permalink

Souri, put something in place so you can get into some bannage...

People need to bitch, fine. There're two threads to do that in.

I for one am keen to see what the game is like and I hope it really kicks ass.

Submitted by Tejay on Sat, 06/02/10 - 7:12 PM Permalink

I have to say despite all the harsh talk about this, i'm very curious about the end result. Will the time spent be worth it? I want to see this so i can finaly form some opinion not based on the company rep and disgruntled staff.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/02/10 - 7:20 PM Permalink

The fact that it's taken 7 years should speak volumes.
Oh noez a negative comment I must be a liar and troll!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/02/10 - 10:42 PM Permalink

Was it you who said:
"Finally. Now to wait and see Team Bondi go into liquidation after the game is released."?

If so, then yeah you are a troll. Its one thing to make a negative comment, its another to make an dead-end flame troll.

You aren't a victim so don't pretend we are the ones being unreasonable. Please confine your misery to yourself.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/02/10 - 11:48 PM Permalink

No that wasn't me. Believe it or not there are a lot of people who don't like Team Bondi. They're the common denominator amongst a lot of pissed off people. Must be everyone else with the problem though, right? Try building a game when there are no design documents for features that artists and programmers all need to be collaborating on. Then try and make all those undocumented features work together while R* and Brendan keep thinking up new ones to throw into the mix while breathing down your neck at the same time. Fuck knows where the lead designer is during all this - apparently not pulling in the reins.

Now we get to sit back and watch the public fellate Brendan and R* for a job well done. Doesn't feel good man.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/02/10 - 10:56 AM Permalink

No. I believe I explained my position well enough in my previous post.

Stop playing the victim jsut because you have a negative view of TB. I know from what I hear I have one too, even though I personally have had nothing to do with them. By all means, share your negative opinion.

But expect to be critisised if you ever cross over into dead-end flaming.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/02/10 - 10:19 AM Permalink

How will they fellate him for a job well done if the game is bad?

It seriously does seem like some people want LA Noire to fail, which is puzzling to me. Sure you might not like your ex-boss, but at the same time if you are no longer there what would look better on your resume, having worked on a successful game, or a failure?

I worked for Krome on Republic Heroes, and development of that was hell with a multitude of fuck ups including designers who weren't reading each others documentation and giving opposite orders to the team on how to progress. That was reflected in the scores, however despite it almost being satisfying to see peoples bad decisions have consequences I would have much preferred for the team to pull it all together somehow and produce a game that looks good on my resume rather than a stinker.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/02/10 - 9:40 AM Permalink

Let's not forget that people thought the same of The Getaway years back. Overblown budget! Years late! Will be terrible! It was a good game and it made Sony money. They then obviously thought they should "re-up" with Brendan again and began funding La Noire. Clearly they had a change of heart at some point, which brought R8 into the picture but the reality is you're only as good as your last game...

The Getaway earns him the benefit of the doubt. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just because it's late and over budget doesn't always mean it's gonna be crap. Let's wait and see.

For those that are working there and feel like they're getting screwed, make an active effort to get out. It's unrealistic to just up and leave tomorrow for most people, but make a plan and move. You can try a different industry if you can't get a games gig. It's ultimately a choice. You might not like your options ("I wanna stay in games), but you either stay and put up with what you perceive are terrible conditions, or you leave (and importantly) move on emotionally...

Submitted by Tejay on Sun, 07/02/10 - 3:41 PM Permalink

I'm not going to form an opinion based on a length of time. I'm also not going to be a sheep and form my opinion on other peoples opinions. Instead i will wait to see what they have to show and then form my opinion. Everyone was still eager and waiting to play duke nukem forever despite the long development time, so why does team bondi get hate for it.

Submitted by Tejay on Sun, 07/02/10 - 5:43 PM Permalink

Is no one is even remotely open minded to a slight chance of it not sucking in every aspect? There might be some interesting and creative things come from this game, as well as some bad. Things can change with time. A company can pull their act together. Or not. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see something before forming an opinion.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/02/10 - 6:28 PM Permalink

Are you being deliberately ignorant? Most of us bagging the game can tell you with first hand experience that it's crap. We can't be open minded when we play it, or have played it, every day.

Submitted by Tejay on Sun, 07/02/10 - 7:12 PM Permalink

I'm just waiting to form my own opinion. I have no expectations of this being an awesome game. I'm just not ruling it out that it might have some alright things. Whats wrong with wanting to judge something for myself. Your opinion of something may vary to mine. You might not fancy rpgs, so why would i listen to your opinion of an rpg. Whats wrong with wanting to judge something for myself?!

I'm done arguing this.

Submitted by Snacuum on Sun, 07/02/10 - 8:35 PM Permalink

"Most of us bagging the game can tell you with first hand experience that it's crap. We can't be open minded when we play it, or have played it, every day."

You know thanks to an the anonymous posting system here, I can literally say exactly the same thing. And I can guarantee that I have had no experience with this game or heck, the industry itself!

I'm not saying you're lying, by all respects those posting here could be undeniably telling the truth as they see it. Unless people are being trolls, the things discussed here can easily be done so with the truth. But expecting people to blindly accept what is being said when you use the veil of anonymity is stupid. How can one be ignorant of the truth when they could not have known, even when you provide what is simply so far, unproven claims?

You're probably right, the game is a shipwreck. But all we have to tell us that are a bunch of negative flames and bitter comments from a band of unknowns.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/02/10 - 9:18 AM Permalink

I am intrigued to know what the people who are constantly throwing negative comments at Team Bondi are hoping to get out of doing it? Personal satisfaction seems to be the only thing, as nothing factual or constructive has been said. Just a blanket dismissal of everything.

Someone mentioned the other day that they thought these people would get a kick out of it if LA Noire bombed, and I completely agree. "Look at me, I told you so" will be the cry.

If you get more enjoyment from seeing others fail rather than your own achievements, then you need to take a good look at what you are doing with your careers.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/02/10 - 10:00 AM Permalink

"I am intrigued to know what the people who are constantly throwing negative comments at Team Bondi are hoping to get out of doing it?"

I can answer that in one word: Disclosure.

If you'd been fucked over by XYZ, would you want XYZ to be adored by the public for having done no wrong? No, you'd say "Hang on a minute, that's not how it went down." People should see both sides of the picture. If the game comes out and scores unanimous 10/10s then good for it but you can bet your sweet cheeks that Brendan and R* aren't going to say what a nightmare development was.

I don't *want* LA Noire to fail. But I wouldn't shed a tear if it did.

Does that make sense to you?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/02/10 - 2:34 PM Permalink

I will hold off judging the game till it's released and reviewed.