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Call for speakers and volunteers for Freeplay 2009


With August 14 & 15 coming up soon, it's time to start getting people involved.

Panels & Workshops

If you've been to previous events, you know that Freeplay is a diverse event, with people delivering everything from traditional keynote lectures to running interactive workshops to staffing demo machines running their projects, with people from all walks of gaming culture, including independent and professional developers, multimedia artists, students, and games players.

We want to continue that in 2009 and the only way we can do that is to get a broad range of people willing to give up some of their time to come along and be part of the Freeplay community.

So, we're putting the callout for exactly those people. We've drawn up a draft program, but for now, we want to keep that a little bit secret to see what we get - we're hoping to be inspired and excited by the ideas that come to us. If you want to be involved, but you don't have a specific topic, email us anyway and we'll work on fitting you in.

For 2009, we want to focus on creativity and ideas and better communication and understanding between creative disciplines. We want to foster a positive and pro-active vibe across the two days, and we want people to leave the event excited about making games. We also want to make the event more interactive - which means more panels and workshops as opposed to traditional lectures. That's not to say you shouldn't pitch those, but if you can fit them into a discussion format, all the better.


Expo Space

We're also looking for people and teams that would like to demo their game in the Experimedia space at the State Library. We’ll give you a table, access to power and the internet, and all we ask is that you have someone there to mind your equipment and that you're willing to talk to the general public if they have any questions.



Volunteers have always played an integral part at past Freeplays - from administrative support to venue assistance, we wouldn't be able to achieve half as much without them. In return for volunteering, we'll give you a free ticket for both days, and give you the chance to peek behind the curtain at what goes into putting an event like Freeplay together. We'll also give you the chance to meet and hang out with our speakers, other volunteers, and visit parts of the state library you wouldn't normally see.


Paul & Eve
Freeplay Directors.