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LiveWire Interview with Bruce Joy on VastPark


Jason Hill has an interview up at LiveWire with Everyday Interactive Networks CEO, Bruce Joy who chats with Jason about his innovative, creative technology called VastPark...

(Bruce) VastPark is a platform where anyone can create their own virtual world. Imagine a 3-D version of your own MySpace or Facebook page. Right now it enables 3-D modellers and game developers to experiment with publishing their own 3-D content online, but later this year we'll offer tools that even mum can use to create a virtual world that she can ensure her kids and their friends can meet up and be safe online.

Bruce also answers some questions on the business side of his company, so if you're interested in gaining some knowledge about funding and getting your own startup off the ground, you'll find some insightful knowledge here.

Vastpark is one of those exciting home-grown developments that I'm pretty excited about, and I'm hoping to get the 3D community on Sumea involved with (I'll admit I've been a bit preoccupied with tonnes of things at the moment and a little bit slack too), but we'll get something rolling real soon! If you haven't had the chance, head on over to the VastPark website here and give it a try! There's a competition running at the moment for VastPark as well!

The full interview with Bruce at LiveWire is at the following link...