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Moves afoot to hold an Australian Indy Game Developers' Convergence

Submitted by (Zoot)

Have you noticed that there seem to be more conferences taking place in Australia for people who write about games, censor games, and generally proclaim themselves as experts on games than there are gatherings of people who actually make games?

There is of course the AGDC, which is fine as an industry conference but it doesn't cover all the kinds of game dev. related stuff that happens outside the mainstream industry (and it costs lots of $$$$ - ouch!)

A few of us around the traps have been talking about holding an indy game developers' summit for some time and we've just found a way we might be able to get this thing off the ground funding-wise next year in Melbourne (not meaning to snub Sydney or Brisbane, it's just that's where the opportunity for this is next year)...

So we want to know before we get too carried away: would you come to something like this? If so, what would you like to see/do there? (air your opinions in the sumea general/industry forum)