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Working in the U.S? Forget it!

An interesting thread at where the news is that it's going to be very,very hard to work gain a work visa in America. I'm sure there a lot of you who would love to work at some of the big game companies there.

"Hey guys,

This is from one of the discussions that happened on a mailing list that I subscribe to (DLF).

A few weeks ago, US authorities changed the requirements to obtain work visas in the US due to "homeland security issues".

Now the requirements are a 4 year degree, or a 2 year technical/ trades schooling diploma that is recognized by American colleges, AND 5 years experience in a related field.

Without this, don't plan on working for US companies as they simply cannot get you into the country.

This may dampen the hopes and dreams for some of you.


Read the thread at CGTalk.