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Joan of Arc tutorial

Every once in a while you'll come across a tutorial on the net which blows you away with it's detail, insightful methods, and quality, that you'd think it wouldn't be out of place in a published book. Well, I'm going to tell you about one here. It's basically an entire human modelling tutorial (and we're talking head, hair, hands, feet too.. all of it), and also shows how they did armour,gloves and weapons.. but they go much beyond that to texturing, and boning (which is still being worked on).
Now here's the bad news. The whole tutorial is in French. The good news is that since I was pretty much interested in this tutorial, I've went through all the pages with babelfish myself. Seeing as I did that, I decided to put the links here so you wouldn't have to go through all that yourself. If there's an english version of these tutorials that I somehow didn't find, then.. erm.. tell me gently.

The original siteThe site through babelfishPreparingModelling Body 1 2 3 4 5Modelling Head 1 2 3 4 5 6Modelling Ear 1 2Connecting EarConnecting neckModelling Sword 1 2 3Modelling Leg Armour 1 2 3 4 5 6Modelling Chest Plate 1 2 3 4 5 6Modelling Hair 1 2 3Modelling Glove 1 2 3 4Modelling Accessories 1 2 3 4 5Mapping 1 2 3 4 5 6Mapping Sword 1 2 3Mapping Clothing 1 2 3 4Mapping Armour 1 2 3Mapping Hair 1Mapping Head 1Mapping OverviewBoning 1 2
More boning tutorials planned..