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Adam Lancman on the local games industry

AustralianIT has a great interview with Adam Lancman (president of the Game Developers Association of Australia and managing director of Infogrames). They cover the local Australian games industry, the challenges they face, advice for a game career and what is expected of applicants, amongst other things..

"When we're interviewing for new employees, the first thing we want is to identify that this a game player, then we can look at the technical qualifications.

In terms of technical qualifications, on the art side we're looking at the folio, 3D graphics, 3D animation and real-time application of graphics.

We generally hire university graduates, but we're not going to turn anyone away if they have amazing talent, but not the piece of paper.

On the programming side, we're looking for graduates of computer science courses or mathematics courses or engineering courses or whatever. We're having a number of specialisations that are starting to appear now, so we have physics PhDs working for us, graphics visualisation experts, C++ coders, C coders, assembly coders."

It's a must-read, so be sure to head on over there.