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Third Wave Games Review at Worthplaying has reviewed War World: Tactical Combat, the fast action mech third person shooter by Melbourne based Third Wave Games and released by publisher Lighthouse Interactive just a few months ago. The site has given it a very impressive 8.5 out of ten...

Overall, I was really surprised by War World. It's instantly reminiscent of Tribes, and in my book, that is a very, very admirable game to be comparable to. It's fast paced, well-balanced, and looks amazing with an impressive array of mech design that manages to not just clone anime cybernetics...

I would say that this game is absolutely worth your time and money, especially if you're part of a group of friends that hosts frequent LAN parties. This would rock in a group setting. Grab it when you can, because above all else, War World is fun.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 01/05/06 - 9:10 PM Permalink

  • 1. Jebus - Mon, 1 May 2006 13:49:36Z
    I just wanted to say that after reading the review at worthplaying I downloaded the demo and played some multiplayer online action, and its a lot of fun. Congratulations to the guys at Third Wave for making a fantastic multiplayer game!!!
  • 2. Anonymous Coward - Mon, 1 May 2006 16:49:15Z
    got to agree, the demo is a lot of fun, I hope it gets some attention.