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Games in films

Hey y'all,

Can anyone think of movies that feature video games, or are based on games?

Here's a few that I could think of.

Super Mario Bros the movie
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Tron (game or movie first? I don't remember).
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy
Double Dragon
Alone in the Dark
House of the Dead
Wing Commander
Pokemon (I suppose)
Resident Evil

They're the obvious ones... but you get extra points for finding movies that simply feature games such as The Wizard. There's also a scene in one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies where Freddy Kruger uses a nintendo Powerglove.

Look forward to reading your discovered gems.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 12:12 AMPermalink

CynicalFan wrote:
quote:Which I am cool with as long as they are not trying to make games as the collective work of the antichrist, paving the way for Christian hell on earth and his thousand year reign on earth ? or whatever the fundamentalist ?family first? Christian groups want everyone to believe with their scaremongering.
I have nothing to add, I just thought that this deserved repeating.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 01/11/05 - 8:37 PMPermalink

bolls splitting dungeon siege into two films ala kill bill: fair enough that we wouldnt want to sit through a say 4 hour movie, but with the reputation boll has created for himself thats not exactly the first thing that came to mind when i read the title.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:09 PMPermalink

Uwe Boll's crappy [url="…"]film making days may be over[/url]..

quote:German tax law is such that people who see fit to invest in movies receive "a hefty tax write off on funds invested [in] failed films." So basically, Germans with knowledge of obscure tax law have been lining up to invest in Boll's films...

Sadly, however, Uwe Boll's days as a human tax write-off are over: in January 2006, the Make Money By Investing In Failed Movies loophole will be closed.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:36 PMPermalink

i would like to see doom just to see how bad it is, but i will NOT spend money on it. i refuse to contribute to their profits (if any). the only way they are going to stop making this rubbish is if people dont watch it. ofcourse just me not going to see it wont make much difference, but it's the principle of the thing dammit!

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:52 PMPermalink

When it comes out on DVD, I'll rent it with a rent-two-for-the-price-of-one voucher.

The funny thing is, if the film had been based on demons instead of genetic-mutations, I probably would have paid full price at the box office.

I mean, really. Doom is about demons on mars. The zombies are a warm up to the real game.

Submitted by LiveWire on Fri, 04/11/05 - 8:59 PMPermalink

oh dear:

"A Castlevania movie is in the offing, following a deal between Crystal Sky Pictures and Konami.
Paul Anderson, best known for Alien vs. Predator has been named as writer and director. Production begins in the middle of next year, with the aid of Impact Pictures, which was reposnoible for Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil's silver screen outfings.

The movie will follow the Belmont's family's vampire-slaying antics."


Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 04/11/05 - 9:50 PMPermalink

well theres a good chance thatll suck but im just gonna keep my hopes up and say it isnt sunk yet. Wasnt there supposed to be a hitman movie? whatever happened to that

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 08/11/05 - 8:44 PMPermalink

don;t know if this is for real or not, but: [url][/url]

it's a review of the Halo script, cant say it motivated me enought to get through to the end of it. i read the first bit and skimed over the rest, but i did pick up this gem of character development:

"?What are my orders?? Now that is dialogue. That is cool. You don?t even have to be a fan of the game to know that in movie talk, those 4 words speak volumes about his character and what he does. A guy who gets the job done. "

yeah, right...

Submitted by spudbog on Wed, 16/11/05 - 11:56 PMPermalink

ok the movie that I like that has a little game theme is jacki chans city hunter, ow ya, when they became the street fighter characters, the most disturbing thing was when jacki was a female character.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 10/04/06 - 2:58 PMPermalink

If anyone is interested, someone's uploaded a "The making of Silent Hill" featurette at which goes on for quite a bit. It contains some spoilers here and there (footage from the film), but they don't reveal too much. Anyway, I'm sure a lot of people are looking forward to this movie, and it really looks like they're making a decent attempt of it. There's some footage of a room full of nurses which is kinda disturbing, but it looks awesome [:)].

Check it out:

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 11/04/06 - 3:21 AMPermalink

Silent Hill movie does look the goods ... pity we don't get it for 4 months after the U.S. release date.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Tue, 11/04/06 - 7:08 AMPermalink

Well look at the up-side, at least after 4 months there will be plenty of online reviews to read to make up your mind whether the movie is worth seeing at all ;). I wish I had done the same before I borrowed ?Alone in the Dark? from video-ezy. Hell, All I had to do was look at who directed that piece of shit and I would have seen it was Uwe Boll.

Someone needs to stop that man from making any more game-inspired straight-to-video crap.

I mean really, I have seen poor acted low-budget action movies that was better than that crap. The man obviously does not understand the finer points of making a film. I suppose he is a bit like Ed Wood, and thinks all that you need is the ?big-picture,? not the finer points like: good direction, acting, script, effects, etc.

I suppose I new I was in for pain when I saw the long-winded intro text that was meant to let you in on the background of the movie ? worked for Star Wars but really, if you need that to start a movie then you should go back to film school, after all, your not directing a novel but a film :).

Submitted by skunx on Tue, 11/04/06 - 9:29 AMPermalink

Man Uwe is on fire now, nobody can stop him!

His next films:

Dungeon Siege (possible oscar winner, the trailer made me weep)
Far Cry (duh! why didnt anyone else think of making a movie out of a game with such a great story?! You know, an island, mercenaries, evil mutants... its all there!)

All I can say is that a guy that keeps releasing rubish which bombs at the box office but somehow gets away with it only to release more rubish deserves our respect! Then again... maybe not.

Submitted by Yug on Wed, 12/04/06 - 1:17 AMPermalink

I read an interview over at here: with Sir Ben Kingsly. Apparently he didn't even SEE the finished copy of BloodRayne the movie, probably for the best.

I just don't think the guy 'gets' most of the franchises he works with. I think he see's great material for a good movie and then just runs with that in his own weird german way. If it was just a money thing though, why does he have to use Video Game franchises? And you can't really blame the people handing over the licences for him to make movies of them. Do you really think there would have ever been a BloodRayne feature movie made?

Or Alone in the Dark? I mean, cmon, Dungeon Siege and Far Cry were never exactly 'begging' for a movie translation.

If the bastard ever gets his hands on Half Life or Halo though, he better watch out.

I saw Doom at the movies, it wasn't THAT bad. I'm not sure if it's because my expectations were so low that it could NEVER have been that bad, or because the movie itself wasn't THAT bad. Points for trying with the FPS sequence though. I did up a review here:

Submitted by skunx on Wed, 12/04/06 - 2:38 AMPermalink

Oh btw in an interview (on his personal site i think) Uwe said he saw Doom the movie and didn't really like it, he reckoned he could do better. [:D]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:15 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by CynicalFan

Well look at the up-side, at least after 4 months there will be plenty of online reviews to read to make up your mind whether the movie is worth seeing at all ;). I wish I had done the same before I borrowed ?Alone in the Dark? from video-ezy. Hell, All I had to do was look at who directed that piece of shit and I would have seen it was Uwe Boll.

Someone needs to stop that man from making any more game-inspired straight-to-video crap.

I mean really, I have seen poor acted low-budget action movies that was better than that crap. The man obviously does not understand the finer points of making a film. I suppose he is a bit like Ed Wood, and thinks all that you need is the ?big-picture,? not the finer points like: good direction, acting, script, effects, etc.

It's comments like these that's spiked up my interest to see how bad this movie really is. It can't be drop dead embarrassingly bad, can it? I mean, that's probably enough reason to rent it out to see it [:)]

My bar for bad movies is pretty high, and nothing has superpassed "Universal Solder: The Return" for me. I saw it in a theatre where half the audience got up and left during that movie. It was shockingly BAD. Since we paid good money for tickets/popcorn/drinks to see it, sitting through that movie till the end was damn excruciating.

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:28 PMPermalink

I usually have an awesome time watching a movie that is truly terrible.

Let's just say, Alone in the Dark (the movie) was *^%#@#$ HILARIOUS!!! Rent it, enjoy it, then never watch it again [:D]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:41 PMPermalink

Have you seen Gigli? [:D]

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 13/04/06 - 1:38 AMPermalink

I suppose if you were fore-warned about how bad the film was it would be moderately entertaining ? if you were aware of Uwe Boll. Usually when I go to see a movie I have no expectations of how good or bad it will be. I just go to see a movie and in that regard I am rarely disappointed.

But in this case, there were a number of DVDs I could have rented if I had known it was Uwe Boll. Not to say that if there had been nothing else to rent that I wouldn't have rented it to see just how bad this guy's work can be. But the cost of renting a DVD these days in a lot of cases, you would be just better off paying a bit more to buy the damn thing. There were so many for Alone of the Dark on the shelves, that I thought that perhaps it had some kind of higher than average game becomes movie production values. I was terribly wrong.

I just found the whole film boring. I am not a fan of crappy kung-fu sequences, dialogue sequences that appears to have been written by some kid for his high-school creative writing assignment, an obvious sex-scene that was just thrown in to have one, special effects that were ok, but just lacked that any impact ? something that may have scared you 10 years ago or you would have been willing to let slide if the rest of the film carried itself well ? below par acting for a feature, even an average one at that, and the story in general was just so adolescent, not to mention the direction or lack of it.

I think it is a shame however, that Christian Slater has sunk as low as he has. He was good in True Romance and Very Bad Things ? and I am sure in a bunch of other movies, like Heathers, an oldie.

So he was big on the cocaine in the past, give the guy a break and give him a decent role and script already!

This movie was just crud, the only good thing I can say is that I watched the special feature making of doco, so now I know what Uwe Boll looks like. I'm actually surprised the guy can still make feature films. I would think that he was one some kind of industry black-list by now, and close to becoming the new crowned king of the worst director of all time ? Ed Wood currently has that title.

I'll probably see Far Cry at the cinemas however, but I am guessing that I will be escorted out by security.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 13/04/06 - 1:43 AMPermalink

Another thing that made me rent the damn thing, is that it used to be an old horror flick, so I thought that perhaps it was a remake of that rather than game-inspired crud.

Not saying that films inspired by games are all bad. Tron wasn't too shabby, and eXistenZ was a great David Cronenberg flick :)

Submitted by Triton on Thu, 22/06/06 - 7:16 AMPermalink

I approve that article.

Hilarious [:)]

Submitted by CynicalFan on Fri, 23/06/06 - 4:23 AMPermalink

I fixed the link to go directly to the article for [url=""]Uwe Boll[/url] instead of the front-page. I might add there is a funny article on [url=""]Peter Molyneux[/url] on the front-page now - am I the only one who thought Fable was a piece of fantasy RPG shit?

The Uwe Boll article has one of the best photo and caption combos I have seen in a long while. It has Uwe grinning and giving the thumbs up, with the caption reading: it Stinks! [:D]

Submitted by souri on Mon, 25/09/06 - 10:26 PMPermalink

Ok, since this thread has some talk about Uwe Boll, has anyone been following the boxing matches that he held recently with some internet people in Canada? I haven't seen any of his films, but I think this incident cements the fact that he is a total and utter jerk and a sorry excuse for a human being (as well a really crap filmaker).

Apparently, this was set out as a friendly pr stunt by Uwe (for the Postal movie, I think??), but he decided to just go ahead and seriously beat these guys down anyway. It's not surprising that he was able to really hurt these guys since he's some sort of an amateur boxer and they weren't even expecting or were prepared for it.

Anyway, I just thought this was absolutely appalling, and I hope Uwe Boll gets his one day.

Read about the incident at Kotaku.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 26/09/06 - 10:01 PMPermalink

Speaking of games in films, anyone get to see Silent Hill movie yet? Wow, I thought that it was great. The visual side of the movie was incredible. The smoky sets, character make up and special effects were absolutely top notch, and the acting was decent (although there were a few moments where they could have worked on it a bit more, but overall it was good).

The story was pretty much Silent Hill - it was a pretty *decent* story, and not as bad as I was expecting from reading reviews. However, part of the ending was a bit of a cop out (you'll know what I mean when you see it), and Sean Bean's character didn't really have much of a purpose during the whole movie, but overall I would say that this is easily the best game to film adaptation for me. There are plenty of cues from the game if you've ever played the first one, and they even have some of the familiar music from the game in there, which for me was a very nice touch. I'll definately be buying the DVD.

Hey y'all,

Can anyone think of movies that feature video games, or are based on games?

Here's a few that I could think of.

Super Mario Bros the movie
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Tron (game or movie first? I don't remember).
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy
Double Dragon
Alone in the Dark
House of the Dead
Wing Commander
Pokemon (I suppose)
Resident Evil

They're the obvious ones... but you get extra points for finding movies that simply feature games such as The Wizard. There's also a scene in one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies where Freddy Kruger uses a nintendo Powerglove.

Look forward to reading your discovered gems.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 12:12 AMPermalink

CynicalFan wrote:
quote:Which I am cool with as long as they are not trying to make games as the collective work of the antichrist, paving the way for Christian hell on earth and his thousand year reign on earth ? or whatever the fundamentalist ?family first? Christian groups want everyone to believe with their scaremongering.
I have nothing to add, I just thought that this deserved repeating.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 01/11/05 - 8:37 PMPermalink

bolls splitting dungeon siege into two films ala kill bill: fair enough that we wouldnt want to sit through a say 4 hour movie, but with the reputation boll has created for himself thats not exactly the first thing that came to mind when i read the title.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:09 PMPermalink

Uwe Boll's crappy [url="…"]film making days may be over[/url]..

quote:German tax law is such that people who see fit to invest in movies receive "a hefty tax write off on funds invested [in] failed films." So basically, Germans with knowledge of obscure tax law have been lining up to invest in Boll's films...

Sadly, however, Uwe Boll's days as a human tax write-off are over: in January 2006, the Make Money By Investing In Failed Movies loophole will be closed.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:36 PMPermalink

i would like to see doom just to see how bad it is, but i will NOT spend money on it. i refuse to contribute to their profits (if any). the only way they are going to stop making this rubbish is if people dont watch it. ofcourse just me not going to see it wont make much difference, but it's the principle of the thing dammit!

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 01/11/05 - 11:52 PMPermalink

When it comes out on DVD, I'll rent it with a rent-two-for-the-price-of-one voucher.

The funny thing is, if the film had been based on demons instead of genetic-mutations, I probably would have paid full price at the box office.

I mean, really. Doom is about demons on mars. The zombies are a warm up to the real game.

Submitted by LiveWire on Fri, 04/11/05 - 8:59 PMPermalink

oh dear:

"A Castlevania movie is in the offing, following a deal between Crystal Sky Pictures and Konami.
Paul Anderson, best known for Alien vs. Predator has been named as writer and director. Production begins in the middle of next year, with the aid of Impact Pictures, which was reposnoible for Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil's silver screen outfings.

The movie will follow the Belmont's family's vampire-slaying antics."


Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 04/11/05 - 9:50 PMPermalink

well theres a good chance thatll suck but im just gonna keep my hopes up and say it isnt sunk yet. Wasnt there supposed to be a hitman movie? whatever happened to that

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 08/11/05 - 8:44 PMPermalink

don;t know if this is for real or not, but: [url][/url]

it's a review of the Halo script, cant say it motivated me enought to get through to the end of it. i read the first bit and skimed over the rest, but i did pick up this gem of character development:

"?What are my orders?? Now that is dialogue. That is cool. You don?t even have to be a fan of the game to know that in movie talk, those 4 words speak volumes about his character and what he does. A guy who gets the job done. "

yeah, right...

Submitted by spudbog on Wed, 16/11/05 - 11:56 PMPermalink

ok the movie that I like that has a little game theme is jacki chans city hunter, ow ya, when they became the street fighter characters, the most disturbing thing was when jacki was a female character.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 10/04/06 - 2:58 PMPermalink

If anyone is interested, someone's uploaded a "The making of Silent Hill" featurette at which goes on for quite a bit. It contains some spoilers here and there (footage from the film), but they don't reveal too much. Anyway, I'm sure a lot of people are looking forward to this movie, and it really looks like they're making a decent attempt of it. There's some footage of a room full of nurses which is kinda disturbing, but it looks awesome [:)].

Check it out:

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 11/04/06 - 3:21 AMPermalink

Silent Hill movie does look the goods ... pity we don't get it for 4 months after the U.S. release date.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Tue, 11/04/06 - 7:08 AMPermalink

Well look at the up-side, at least after 4 months there will be plenty of online reviews to read to make up your mind whether the movie is worth seeing at all ;). I wish I had done the same before I borrowed ?Alone in the Dark? from video-ezy. Hell, All I had to do was look at who directed that piece of shit and I would have seen it was Uwe Boll.

Someone needs to stop that man from making any more game-inspired straight-to-video crap.

I mean really, I have seen poor acted low-budget action movies that was better than that crap. The man obviously does not understand the finer points of making a film. I suppose he is a bit like Ed Wood, and thinks all that you need is the ?big-picture,? not the finer points like: good direction, acting, script, effects, etc.

I suppose I new I was in for pain when I saw the long-winded intro text that was meant to let you in on the background of the movie ? worked for Star Wars but really, if you need that to start a movie then you should go back to film school, after all, your not directing a novel but a film :).

Submitted by skunx on Tue, 11/04/06 - 9:29 AMPermalink

Man Uwe is on fire now, nobody can stop him!

His next films:

Dungeon Siege (possible oscar winner, the trailer made me weep)
Far Cry (duh! why didnt anyone else think of making a movie out of a game with such a great story?! You know, an island, mercenaries, evil mutants... its all there!)

All I can say is that a guy that keeps releasing rubish which bombs at the box office but somehow gets away with it only to release more rubish deserves our respect! Then again... maybe not.

Submitted by Yug on Wed, 12/04/06 - 1:17 AMPermalink

I read an interview over at here: with Sir Ben Kingsly. Apparently he didn't even SEE the finished copy of BloodRayne the movie, probably for the best.

I just don't think the guy 'gets' most of the franchises he works with. I think he see's great material for a good movie and then just runs with that in his own weird german way. If it was just a money thing though, why does he have to use Video Game franchises? And you can't really blame the people handing over the licences for him to make movies of them. Do you really think there would have ever been a BloodRayne feature movie made?

Or Alone in the Dark? I mean, cmon, Dungeon Siege and Far Cry were never exactly 'begging' for a movie translation.

If the bastard ever gets his hands on Half Life or Halo though, he better watch out.

I saw Doom at the movies, it wasn't THAT bad. I'm not sure if it's because my expectations were so low that it could NEVER have been that bad, or because the movie itself wasn't THAT bad. Points for trying with the FPS sequence though. I did up a review here:

Submitted by skunx on Wed, 12/04/06 - 2:38 AMPermalink

Oh btw in an interview (on his personal site i think) Uwe said he saw Doom the movie and didn't really like it, he reckoned he could do better. [:D]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:15 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by CynicalFan

Well look at the up-side, at least after 4 months there will be plenty of online reviews to read to make up your mind whether the movie is worth seeing at all ;). I wish I had done the same before I borrowed ?Alone in the Dark? from video-ezy. Hell, All I had to do was look at who directed that piece of shit and I would have seen it was Uwe Boll.

Someone needs to stop that man from making any more game-inspired straight-to-video crap.

I mean really, I have seen poor acted low-budget action movies that was better than that crap. The man obviously does not understand the finer points of making a film. I suppose he is a bit like Ed Wood, and thinks all that you need is the ?big-picture,? not the finer points like: good direction, acting, script, effects, etc.

It's comments like these that's spiked up my interest to see how bad this movie really is. It can't be drop dead embarrassingly bad, can it? I mean, that's probably enough reason to rent it out to see it [:)]

My bar for bad movies is pretty high, and nothing has superpassed "Universal Solder: The Return" for me. I saw it in a theatre where half the audience got up and left during that movie. It was shockingly BAD. Since we paid good money for tickets/popcorn/drinks to see it, sitting through that movie till the end was damn excruciating.

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:28 PMPermalink

I usually have an awesome time watching a movie that is truly terrible.

Let's just say, Alone in the Dark (the movie) was *^%#@#$ HILARIOUS!!! Rent it, enjoy it, then never watch it again [:D]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/04/06 - 8:41 PMPermalink

Have you seen Gigli? [:D]

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 13/04/06 - 1:38 AMPermalink

I suppose if you were fore-warned about how bad the film was it would be moderately entertaining ? if you were aware of Uwe Boll. Usually when I go to see a movie I have no expectations of how good or bad it will be. I just go to see a movie and in that regard I am rarely disappointed.

But in this case, there were a number of DVDs I could have rented if I had known it was Uwe Boll. Not to say that if there had been nothing else to rent that I wouldn't have rented it to see just how bad this guy's work can be. But the cost of renting a DVD these days in a lot of cases, you would be just better off paying a bit more to buy the damn thing. There were so many for Alone of the Dark on the shelves, that I thought that perhaps it had some kind of higher than average game becomes movie production values. I was terribly wrong.

I just found the whole film boring. I am not a fan of crappy kung-fu sequences, dialogue sequences that appears to have been written by some kid for his high-school creative writing assignment, an obvious sex-scene that was just thrown in to have one, special effects that were ok, but just lacked that any impact ? something that may have scared you 10 years ago or you would have been willing to let slide if the rest of the film carried itself well ? below par acting for a feature, even an average one at that, and the story in general was just so adolescent, not to mention the direction or lack of it.

I think it is a shame however, that Christian Slater has sunk as low as he has. He was good in True Romance and Very Bad Things ? and I am sure in a bunch of other movies, like Heathers, an oldie.

So he was big on the cocaine in the past, give the guy a break and give him a decent role and script already!

This movie was just crud, the only good thing I can say is that I watched the special feature making of doco, so now I know what Uwe Boll looks like. I'm actually surprised the guy can still make feature films. I would think that he was one some kind of industry black-list by now, and close to becoming the new crowned king of the worst director of all time ? Ed Wood currently has that title.

I'll probably see Far Cry at the cinemas however, but I am guessing that I will be escorted out by security.

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 13/04/06 - 1:43 AMPermalink

Another thing that made me rent the damn thing, is that it used to be an old horror flick, so I thought that perhaps it was a remake of that rather than game-inspired crud.

Not saying that films inspired by games are all bad. Tron wasn't too shabby, and eXistenZ was a great David Cronenberg flick :)

Submitted by Triton on Thu, 22/06/06 - 7:16 AMPermalink

I approve that article.

Hilarious [:)]

Submitted by CynicalFan on Fri, 23/06/06 - 4:23 AMPermalink

I fixed the link to go directly to the article for [url=""]Uwe Boll[/url] instead of the front-page. I might add there is a funny article on [url=""]Peter Molyneux[/url] on the front-page now - am I the only one who thought Fable was a piece of fantasy RPG shit?

The Uwe Boll article has one of the best photo and caption combos I have seen in a long while. It has Uwe grinning and giving the thumbs up, with the caption reading: it Stinks! [:D]

Submitted by souri on Mon, 25/09/06 - 10:26 PMPermalink

Ok, since this thread has some talk about Uwe Boll, has anyone been following the boxing matches that he held recently with some internet people in Canada? I haven't seen any of his films, but I think this incident cements the fact that he is a total and utter jerk and a sorry excuse for a human being (as well a really crap filmaker).

Apparently, this was set out as a friendly pr stunt by Uwe (for the Postal movie, I think??), but he decided to just go ahead and seriously beat these guys down anyway. It's not surprising that he was able to really hurt these guys since he's some sort of an amateur boxer and they weren't even expecting or were prepared for it.

Anyway, I just thought this was absolutely appalling, and I hope Uwe Boll gets his one day.

Read about the incident at Kotaku.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 26/09/06 - 10:01 PMPermalink

Speaking of games in films, anyone get to see Silent Hill movie yet? Wow, I thought that it was great. The visual side of the movie was incredible. The smoky sets, character make up and special effects were absolutely top notch, and the acting was decent (although there were a few moments where they could have worked on it a bit more, but overall it was good).

The story was pretty much Silent Hill - it was a pretty *decent* story, and not as bad as I was expecting from reading reviews. However, part of the ending was a bit of a cop out (you'll know what I mean when you see it), and Sean Bean's character didn't really have much of a purpose during the whole movie, but overall I would say that this is easily the best game to film adaptation for me. There are plenty of cues from the game if you've ever played the first one, and they even have some of the familiar music from the game in there, which for me was a very nice touch. I'll definately be buying the DVD.