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Sumea Modeller Challenge #7

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

  • Yes, the site looks very different and I've had to prematurely switch to this new theme that I'm working on for a few reasons, the main one is that changing certain aspects of the site to fit the new theme will affect how the old one looks for…

  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

    Here is some of my old work.. the first pic is of a 3d model of a human head I was working on about 2 years ago in 3dsmax, using nurbs. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't model a head with…

I currently work for

Submitted by souri on

Sumea modeller challenge #7 is going to happen on the 1st of April till the 1st of July.

Ok, here are the challenge details!!

Sumea Modeller Challenge #7

Competition Rules:

Open to Australians and New Zealanders only.

STARTING DATE: Friday, 1st of April, 2005.
CLOSING DATE: Sunday, 3rd of July, Midnight. 3 months Total!

Futuristic Soldier for the Sumea Mod.

Model and texture one of these character classes of your choice:

1. Heavy (In essence the heavy is a big guy, in an even bigger suit of mechanical armor who dominates head on combat at medium to long range with excessive splash damage fire.)
2. Support (Medium Armour, construction/engineer class)
3. Covert (Light Armour, agile, tactics class)

Concepts are not required and will not be voted on. You can create you own concept idea, or you can choose from the concepts of Curtin and Sumeacool. These are great concepts and can be seen at this link:

If you do choose to come up with your own concept, keep in mind that creative and unique concepts which stand out from other attempts in the futuristic genre are highly regarded!! Must be original work!

We have made a thread for some inspiration for you at:

Colour scheme ? we?re hoping to get out of the red vs blue cliche. You can come up with your own unique colour scheme to further enhance the look of your model. Green and white? Red and black, with yellow poka dots? Whatever suits!

*Important note, we love glowy bits.

2 x 1024x1024 texture sheet for character
3500 polygon (tris) maximum for character (one single mesh)

Photosourcing allowed, no cannabalism of old models..
Alpha maps and Unreal Tournament 2004 shaders allowed. Please visit for UT2k4 specific shader info...


1. 1024x512 pixel default software lit orthograpics (front, back, side, 3/4 view).
2. 1024x512 pixel untextured wireframe (front, back, side, 3/4 view)
3. 1024x512 uvw wire layout of character and head. (Combine the two texture sheets horizontally then resize them to make one 1024x512 pixel graphic.)
4. 1024x512 version of your texture flats of character/head. (Combine the two texture sheets horizontally then resize them to make one 1024x512 pixel graphic.)
5. 800x600 money shot which can be lit and posed (or unposed) how ever you feel fit. Preferably within UT2k4, with shaders, and holding a weapon. Please include your name and polycount of your model.

Modelling work, texturing skills, and general aesthetics of the model.

Submitted by Sinister on Sun, 20/03/05 - 1:04 AMPermalink

It's great news that there will be another modeller challenge soon but if it's to start in a little over ten days (April 1st), shouldn't we have a theme already? From past experience, it's taken 2-4 weeks to decide a topic then another 2-4 weeks to decide on the specifications.

(I just hope I haven't missed a thread discussing all this already 'cos I'll look like a wank [:D])

Anyway, here are a few topics I could think of:-
-A female lead game character
-A photorealistic game character
-A sci-fi character or transport
-An RPG style town or building

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 20/03/05 - 2:54 AMPermalink

i'm affraid you have missed it, though it was in another section so it wouldnt have been hard to miss.

anyway Souri has posted here that the challenge will be themed around the sumea mod

oh, and Souri - i'm about to post something on materials in UE which may have a bearing on the specifications for the characters and therefore the challenge. I'll pm you anyway once i've posted it.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 20/03/05 - 2:19 PMPermalink

The topic has already been decided, so there's not much to be discussed on that. Once the topic/guide is posted, we usually have a couple of days to iron things out or make any corrections, but it's all systems go! Sorry guys, no normal mapping this time. Maybe next time!

Anyway, I'm really excited about this challenge. It's a theme which is a favourite of mine and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, and also this will be the first time we'll be seeing challenge entries working in a game...

Submitted by souri on Wed, 30/03/05 - 1:42 AMPermalink

Just a reminder that I will be posting the topic up on either Thursday night or Friday at the latest!

Submitted by mcdrewski on Fri, 01/04/05 - 11:24 PMPermalink

OK, you just noticed the hard drive light start to flicker and the in-game music changed to be ominous and foreboding...

ie: save the game now, something big's about to happen :)

Submitted by souri on Sat, 02/04/05 - 1:01 AMPermalink

I have updated the thread with the challenge guidelines. As usual, we'll have a couple of days to iron out any problems. I'll be sending out the email notifications to all the sumea profile modellers tomorrow! (I have to be off somewhere soon o_O)

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 02/04/05 - 2:59 AMPermalink

wow totally not what i was exprecting in terms of polycount and texture limit - should be able to go nuts with this!

one thing i that i noticed:

2 x 1024x1024 texture sheet for character (one sheet for body, one sheet for head)
3500 polygon (tris) maximum for character (including head, which is a separate model)

are you planning on swapping heads or head/body textures out? is that what this means?

Submitted by xyz on Sat, 02/04/05 - 9:07 PMPermalink

I like the way all this community mod stuff is going.

This time I hope to finish my entry.

What is the prize for the winner?

When do we start posting entry threads?

I like the format that cgnetworks uses for comps (space opera).
Each entry has to submit a series of wip images, from
draft to final entry. They also have to post a certain
amount of feedback in other peoples threads, to get a community

Just an idea, I know sumea isn't quite the size of cgnetworks but
thats not to say it will not be in the future.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 03/04/05 - 2:50 AMPermalink

No prizes have been organized yet. I'm hoping to gather something, but no promises with these things. You can pretty much reserve your thread now if you like. Just name it as "Sumea Challenge #7 - " , please!

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 03/04/05 - 4:11 AMPermalink

thought of something: you have said unreal shadders are allowed, but for shadders you need masks, etc. if for example i wanted aninated glowy bits then i would need an animated material and the body texture would need a mask. i might be a good idea to specify exactly what is allow for shadders in terms of masks (the alpha of each texture?) and extra textures and whether thay come out of the total texture size.

it's probably not a too good of an idea to go overboard on shadders anyway for preformace reasons, but just illuminating parts of the texture shouldnt cause much of a hit, if any.

Submitted by mikamika on Sun, 03/04/05 - 6:14 AMPermalink

so if someone was to use the provided concept art, more that one person possibly could do the same concept ?

Submitted by mcdrewski on Sun, 03/04/05 - 6:45 AMPermalink

sure, but then your texturing skills would really be tested! [:)]

Submitted by ninothe on Mon, 04/04/05 - 12:05 AMPermalink

wow the time given for this one is great. i think i'll have enough time to do this rather than that cgtalk challenge which asks for more in a shorter time frame!


Submitted by conundrum on Mon, 04/04/05 - 4:30 AMPermalink

so, if we finish one category (heavy/support/covert) are we able to submit a second different entry or are we only allowed one entry each.
also, i use lightwave and dont know if its possible or how difficult it is to get models with textures and rigged into unreal. does anyone know as i havnt tried before. any help would be appreciated

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 06/04/05 - 10:33 PMPermalink

Will you have a better chance with doing two characters?

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 07/04/05 - 1:05 AMPermalink

i would doubt it. it's the quality of your work not the quantity.

Submitted by DarkAngel on Thu, 07/04/05 - 4:03 AMPermalink

hey there,

got a question to ask that someone has asked me to ask :P

just wanted to know if more than one person can work on the challenge for one character...

Eg. One person models and another person textures - with full credits for the tasks and its up to them to split the prize when one is organised


Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 07/04/05 - 10:07 AMPermalink

I can't give you the official answer DarkAngel but I'd say it'd be a no. It's been asked in the past if this was possible, having one person do the concept and someone else the modelling and texturing, and it's always come back a negative.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 07/04/05 - 2:12 PMPermalink

Yeh, it's been asked in the past, and the reason why it's been denied is that it gives teams an unfair advantage over the other challengers going solo.

Submitted by palantir on Fri, 08/04/05 - 9:28 AMPermalink

I?d be surprised if the answer is no. [:)] The more content made for the mod the better, right?

I think the brief says the character in the final pimp render should be holding a gun.

Submitted by souri on Sat, 09/04/05 - 12:14 AMPermalink

Sure, that is fine.. I was actually going to add a gun to the requirements of the challenge, but I've left it out since that'll add more complexity to the challenge (another 1024x1024 texture sheet, shaders and whatnot etc).

Also about the head being a seperate model that was asked earlier - that's mainly because the heads in UT are seperate as well. Actually, I've noticed that your torse can be seperated from your legs when you die in UT2k4, so the brief will have to be changed a bit. Can someone look into the UT2k3/4 models to see if they are like that, please?

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Sat, 09/04/05 - 12:31 AMPermalink

Souri, UT2K4 models can be one continuous mesh. When you shoot of someones head, arm, leg or torso the engine just scales the verts associated with the bone to make them disapear.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 09/04/05 - 9:36 AMPermalink

so if that was the reason for the comp stats, does that mean we can do it all as one mesh? and what about the head texture - can it contian other parts or just head elements? ok, so that might sound like a stupid question, but that's the way it's worded and i dont want to be caught out on a technicality is all.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/04/05 - 2:54 AMPermalink

Can you check and make certain it is one continous mesh, please? I thought the head was seperate, considering the way the UT2k4 model's heads move independantly of the chest and body, and also from mods like that one which increases your head size with every kill you make.

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Tue, 12/04/05 - 3:04 AMPermalink

I'm pretty sure in the DVD tut for getting a character into UT2004 they have there character all as one mesh. Someone correct me if I'm wrong thanks.

Submitted by animal on Wed, 13/04/05 - 8:56 AMPermalink

The answer to the continous mesh question is that it doesn't matter. The heads don't have to be seperate, but they can if you want. I have made and seen unreal game character meshes that have parts seperated for easier deformation reasons. The head scaling is to do with scaling the verts to the head bone. The head texture is on a seperate texture from body because the body texture is used for team colours. The head texture doesn't change, just the body texture, as I understand it. And Flying monk has already explained how the parts get blown up works right, I think the pinched mesh it leaves looks crap, Soldier of Fortune had much cooler effect for that.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 13/04/05 - 9:50 PMPermalink

the character created in the UT2k4 DVD is all one object that is to say everything is attatched in the heirachy but there are actual parts of the geometry that are not welded to each other (shoulder and knee pads).

Posted by souri on

Sumea modeller challenge #7 is going to happen on the 1st of April till the 1st of July.

Ok, here are the challenge details!!

Sumea Modeller Challenge #7

Competition Rules:

Open to Australians and New Zealanders only.

STARTING DATE: Friday, 1st of April, 2005.
CLOSING DATE: Sunday, 3rd of July, Midnight. 3 months Total!

Futuristic Soldier for the Sumea Mod.

Model and texture one of these character classes of your choice:

1. Heavy (In essence the heavy is a big guy, in an even bigger suit of mechanical armor who dominates head on combat at medium to long range with excessive splash damage fire.)
2. Support (Medium Armour, construction/engineer class)
3. Covert (Light Armour, agile, tactics class)

Concepts are not required and will not be voted on. You can create you own concept idea, or you can choose from the concepts of Curtin and Sumeacool. These are great concepts and can be seen at this link:

If you do choose to come up with your own concept, keep in mind that creative and unique concepts which stand out from other attempts in the futuristic genre are highly regarded!! Must be original work!

We have made a thread for some inspiration for you at:

Colour scheme ? we?re hoping to get out of the red vs blue cliche. You can come up with your own unique colour scheme to further enhance the look of your model. Green and white? Red and black, with yellow poka dots? Whatever suits!

*Important note, we love glowy bits.

2 x 1024x1024 texture sheet for character
3500 polygon (tris) maximum for character (one single mesh)

Photosourcing allowed, no cannabalism of old models..
Alpha maps and Unreal Tournament 2004 shaders allowed. Please visit for UT2k4 specific shader info...


1. 1024x512 pixel default software lit orthograpics (front, back, side, 3/4 view).
2. 1024x512 pixel untextured wireframe (front, back, side, 3/4 view)
3. 1024x512 uvw wire layout of character and head. (Combine the two texture sheets horizontally then resize them to make one 1024x512 pixel graphic.)
4. 1024x512 version of your texture flats of character/head. (Combine the two texture sheets horizontally then resize them to make one 1024x512 pixel graphic.)
5. 800x600 money shot which can be lit and posed (or unposed) how ever you feel fit. Preferably within UT2k4, with shaders, and holding a weapon. Please include your name and polycount of your model.

Modelling work, texturing skills, and general aesthetics of the model.

Submitted by Sinister on Sun, 20/03/05 - 1:04 AMPermalink

It's great news that there will be another modeller challenge soon but if it's to start in a little over ten days (April 1st), shouldn't we have a theme already? From past experience, it's taken 2-4 weeks to decide a topic then another 2-4 weeks to decide on the specifications.

(I just hope I haven't missed a thread discussing all this already 'cos I'll look like a wank [:D])

Anyway, here are a few topics I could think of:-
-A female lead game character
-A photorealistic game character
-A sci-fi character or transport
-An RPG style town or building

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 20/03/05 - 2:54 AMPermalink

i'm affraid you have missed it, though it was in another section so it wouldnt have been hard to miss.

anyway Souri has posted here that the challenge will be themed around the sumea mod

oh, and Souri - i'm about to post something on materials in UE which may have a bearing on the specifications for the characters and therefore the challenge. I'll pm you anyway once i've posted it.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 20/03/05 - 2:19 PMPermalink

The topic has already been decided, so there's not much to be discussed on that. Once the topic/guide is posted, we usually have a couple of days to iron things out or make any corrections, but it's all systems go! Sorry guys, no normal mapping this time. Maybe next time!

Anyway, I'm really excited about this challenge. It's a theme which is a favourite of mine and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, and also this will be the first time we'll be seeing challenge entries working in a game...

Submitted by souri on Wed, 30/03/05 - 1:42 AMPermalink

Just a reminder that I will be posting the topic up on either Thursday night or Friday at the latest!

Submitted by mcdrewski on Fri, 01/04/05 - 11:24 PMPermalink

OK, you just noticed the hard drive light start to flicker and the in-game music changed to be ominous and foreboding...

ie: save the game now, something big's about to happen :)

Submitted by souri on Sat, 02/04/05 - 1:01 AMPermalink

I have updated the thread with the challenge guidelines. As usual, we'll have a couple of days to iron out any problems. I'll be sending out the email notifications to all the sumea profile modellers tomorrow! (I have to be off somewhere soon o_O)

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 02/04/05 - 2:59 AMPermalink

wow totally not what i was exprecting in terms of polycount and texture limit - should be able to go nuts with this!

one thing i that i noticed:

2 x 1024x1024 texture sheet for character (one sheet for body, one sheet for head)
3500 polygon (tris) maximum for character (including head, which is a separate model)

are you planning on swapping heads or head/body textures out? is that what this means?

Submitted by xyz on Sat, 02/04/05 - 9:07 PMPermalink

I like the way all this community mod stuff is going.

This time I hope to finish my entry.

What is the prize for the winner?

When do we start posting entry threads?

I like the format that cgnetworks uses for comps (space opera).
Each entry has to submit a series of wip images, from
draft to final entry. They also have to post a certain
amount of feedback in other peoples threads, to get a community

Just an idea, I know sumea isn't quite the size of cgnetworks but
thats not to say it will not be in the future.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 03/04/05 - 2:50 AMPermalink

No prizes have been organized yet. I'm hoping to gather something, but no promises with these things. You can pretty much reserve your thread now if you like. Just name it as "Sumea Challenge #7 - " , please!

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 03/04/05 - 4:11 AMPermalink

thought of something: you have said unreal shadders are allowed, but for shadders you need masks, etc. if for example i wanted aninated glowy bits then i would need an animated material and the body texture would need a mask. i might be a good idea to specify exactly what is allow for shadders in terms of masks (the alpha of each texture?) and extra textures and whether thay come out of the total texture size.

it's probably not a too good of an idea to go overboard on shadders anyway for preformace reasons, but just illuminating parts of the texture shouldnt cause much of a hit, if any.

Submitted by mikamika on Sun, 03/04/05 - 6:14 AMPermalink

so if someone was to use the provided concept art, more that one person possibly could do the same concept ?

Submitted by mcdrewski on Sun, 03/04/05 - 6:45 AMPermalink

sure, but then your texturing skills would really be tested! [:)]

Submitted by ninothe on Mon, 04/04/05 - 12:05 AMPermalink

wow the time given for this one is great. i think i'll have enough time to do this rather than that cgtalk challenge which asks for more in a shorter time frame!


Submitted by conundrum on Mon, 04/04/05 - 4:30 AMPermalink

so, if we finish one category (heavy/support/covert) are we able to submit a second different entry or are we only allowed one entry each.
also, i use lightwave and dont know if its possible or how difficult it is to get models with textures and rigged into unreal. does anyone know as i havnt tried before. any help would be appreciated

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 06/04/05 - 10:33 PMPermalink

Will you have a better chance with doing two characters?

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 07/04/05 - 1:05 AMPermalink

i would doubt it. it's the quality of your work not the quantity.

Submitted by DarkAngel on Thu, 07/04/05 - 4:03 AMPermalink

hey there,

got a question to ask that someone has asked me to ask :P

just wanted to know if more than one person can work on the challenge for one character...

Eg. One person models and another person textures - with full credits for the tasks and its up to them to split the prize when one is organised


Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 07/04/05 - 10:07 AMPermalink

I can't give you the official answer DarkAngel but I'd say it'd be a no. It's been asked in the past if this was possible, having one person do the concept and someone else the modelling and texturing, and it's always come back a negative.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 07/04/05 - 2:12 PMPermalink

Yeh, it's been asked in the past, and the reason why it's been denied is that it gives teams an unfair advantage over the other challengers going solo.

Submitted by palantir on Fri, 08/04/05 - 9:28 AMPermalink

I?d be surprised if the answer is no. [:)] The more content made for the mod the better, right?

I think the brief says the character in the final pimp render should be holding a gun.

Submitted by souri on Sat, 09/04/05 - 12:14 AMPermalink

Sure, that is fine.. I was actually going to add a gun to the requirements of the challenge, but I've left it out since that'll add more complexity to the challenge (another 1024x1024 texture sheet, shaders and whatnot etc).

Also about the head being a seperate model that was asked earlier - that's mainly because the heads in UT are seperate as well. Actually, I've noticed that your torse can be seperated from your legs when you die in UT2k4, so the brief will have to be changed a bit. Can someone look into the UT2k3/4 models to see if they are like that, please?

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Sat, 09/04/05 - 12:31 AMPermalink

Souri, UT2K4 models can be one continuous mesh. When you shoot of someones head, arm, leg or torso the engine just scales the verts associated with the bone to make them disapear.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 09/04/05 - 9:36 AMPermalink

so if that was the reason for the comp stats, does that mean we can do it all as one mesh? and what about the head texture - can it contian other parts or just head elements? ok, so that might sound like a stupid question, but that's the way it's worded and i dont want to be caught out on a technicality is all.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/04/05 - 2:54 AMPermalink

Can you check and make certain it is one continous mesh, please? I thought the head was seperate, considering the way the UT2k4 model's heads move independantly of the chest and body, and also from mods like that one which increases your head size with every kill you make.

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Tue, 12/04/05 - 3:04 AMPermalink

I'm pretty sure in the DVD tut for getting a character into UT2004 they have there character all as one mesh. Someone correct me if I'm wrong thanks.

Submitted by animal on Wed, 13/04/05 - 8:56 AMPermalink

The answer to the continous mesh question is that it doesn't matter. The heads don't have to be seperate, but they can if you want. I have made and seen unreal game character meshes that have parts seperated for easier deformation reasons. The head scaling is to do with scaling the verts to the head bone. The head texture is on a seperate texture from body because the body texture is used for team colours. The head texture doesn't change, just the body texture, as I understand it. And Flying monk has already explained how the parts get blown up works right, I think the pinched mesh it leaves looks crap, Soldier of Fortune had much cooler effect for that.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 13/04/05 - 9:50 PMPermalink

the character created in the UT2k4 DVD is all one object that is to say everything is attatched in the heirachy but there are actual parts of the geometry that are not welded to each other (shoulder and knee pads).