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  • Testing a Microsoft Surface for digital art along with Krita. The latter is proving to be a very capable drawing/painting program. In some aspects equal to - if not better than - Photoshop! MS Surface is good but not as good as a wacom tablet.…

  • I quick illustration depicting a true story (or so I am told) of a tank crew rescuing an australia soldier in the Vietnam war. Rough sketchy styling but required some research and accuracy as vetaran's seeing it would be critical. Painted in…

  • A recent game interface job I completed for an Adelaide based iphone/mobile developer. Final graphics included animation on the handkerchief as the rope moves and animated icons on the menu screen. Graphics are all based on photos then heavily…

  • It's not really directly game related but I thought I'd post it anyway (Let's pretend it's a character study). This is where my recent illustration energies had been going rather than into concept art related topics. Created for a charity Auction…

  • Revisiting the first fleet of ships for Tsumea Team C project. One new design with the other 3 polished/modified small to moderate amounts. Whilst the details are still loose I'm satisfied with the overall designs. fingers crossed the rest of the…

  • More thumbnails for Team C game. These are my first round of ships for the opposing team. More angular and blocky in form with a relatively raw/industrial finish compaired to the other set.

  • More thumbnails. These ones are variations working a single design idea.

  • update of potential artillery/ planet attack ship.

  • A small update on concept art for Team C project.

  • Some initial sketches whilst I warm up for the task of producing some concepts for tsumea's team C project.

Submitted by Johnn on

the folio redesign continues- back to architecture and environments. Still with pen & markers.

As before, keep in mind that these images are for my folio, so comments about their usefulness reguarding job apps, industry standards and content relevance from industry peoples is esp. appreciated.



Submitted by J I Styles on Sun, 11/04/04 - 11:21 PMPermalink

They're looking good John - I want to take a bit of time and give you some good relevant feedback, so bear with me [:)] I'll tackle the main points seperately.

First of all, communication is solid - If I where given these to produce the assets, I dare say I'd be able to hit next to exactly what you wanted; this is a really good thing since they're not too fuzzy on the communication and don't rely on an interpretation. It's all spelt out quite clear in marker [:)]

As I said, it communicates its design well; how these structures are put togethor and what goes where etc. In execution, it's good, it's presentable, it's easy to read, and it does it's job - it could be better ( more polished/refined) but it doesn't need to be. Three direct crits here:
First of all, the fortress has surface detailing which tells me it's made out of eneven but clean cut blocks of some type of stone; the first one however is kinda a mystery as to what it's made out of.
Secondly, just personal preferance not really a crit, but have you tried using a 2 point perspective setup for these to get the scope and scale of them?
Last of all, line weights - maybe try experimenting with heavier lines for the main profiles of the important pieces to accentuate the form - a few parts get lost within the backing.

Form and function - when I look at these I think of the scenario and setting in which they'd appear first and foremost. Who lives in the fortress, how do they defend it, is it a practical point of defence, what's the purpose of it, how was it built, how is it going to be overcome, who does that, etc etc etc blah blah blah.
This is more practical design crits than anything, but it is what it is. There's nothing bad or wrong with it, just I'd like to see a bit more function in them. Perhaps a spike field on the outer plains putting towards where the attackers would come from, or some form of mounted weaponry or better defined crows nests it's blocking the passage of the mountain pass, but the defender usually wants to allow themselves to get outside to push forward just as much as they don't want their enemies to get through, so maybe a heavy gatehouse styled cogworked door or something. As I said, nothing wrong or bad with it, just a little more function in its purpose would be awesome to see. At the moment it's a big structure sitting in the middle of a pass blocking people getting out, and people getting through - it's purpose is an obstacle and lookout.

great stuff, that's just a few things to think about! keep up the good work [:)]

Submitted by Makk on Mon, 12/04/04 - 6:22 AMPermalink

Yeah, I agree the second one is alot better. The surface detialing really does it.
Designwise they are good, agian the second piece is the strongest here. The first one doesnt look very ominous or large. It could be the door though, look at the front door and compare it to the size of the rest of it.
I wouldnt change the line wieght, as you have got some varition in there plus I dont think they do much in enviro design.
If you havent, do some full colour enviros too, that way you can establish such things as colour, (colour)lighting and mood, which are important.
Like the lighting on it too btw, solid.
What size did you draw these at?

Submitted by Johnn on Sun, 18/04/04 - 2:21 AMPermalink

okay, after both markers running out (on consecutive days), felt tip pen wearing out and my printer running out of ink I have finally gotten around to doing a neat version of the guard post. Might do a ground level view in colour depending on enthusiasm levels.

Makk, all my marker stuff is on A4 paper with the exception of the rough guard tower in this post- it was done on a single A3 page. Oh! and below was 2 A4 pages :)


Submitted by smeg on Sun, 18/04/04 - 3:09 AMPermalink

Wow, nice concepts. I can really see these turning up in a tribes-esque desert skirmish...

Should look good in your folio.

Posted by Johnn on

the folio redesign continues- back to architecture and environments. Still with pen & markers.

As before, keep in mind that these images are for my folio, so comments about their usefulness reguarding job apps, industry standards and content relevance from industry peoples is esp. appreciated.



Submitted by J I Styles on Sun, 11/04/04 - 11:21 PMPermalink

They're looking good John - I want to take a bit of time and give you some good relevant feedback, so bear with me [:)] I'll tackle the main points seperately.

First of all, communication is solid - If I where given these to produce the assets, I dare say I'd be able to hit next to exactly what you wanted; this is a really good thing since they're not too fuzzy on the communication and don't rely on an interpretation. It's all spelt out quite clear in marker [:)]

As I said, it communicates its design well; how these structures are put togethor and what goes where etc. In execution, it's good, it's presentable, it's easy to read, and it does it's job - it could be better ( more polished/refined) but it doesn't need to be. Three direct crits here:
First of all, the fortress has surface detailing which tells me it's made out of eneven but clean cut blocks of some type of stone; the first one however is kinda a mystery as to what it's made out of.
Secondly, just personal preferance not really a crit, but have you tried using a 2 point perspective setup for these to get the scope and scale of them?
Last of all, line weights - maybe try experimenting with heavier lines for the main profiles of the important pieces to accentuate the form - a few parts get lost within the backing.

Form and function - when I look at these I think of the scenario and setting in which they'd appear first and foremost. Who lives in the fortress, how do they defend it, is it a practical point of defence, what's the purpose of it, how was it built, how is it going to be overcome, who does that, etc etc etc blah blah blah.
This is more practical design crits than anything, but it is what it is. There's nothing bad or wrong with it, just I'd like to see a bit more function in them. Perhaps a spike field on the outer plains putting towards where the attackers would come from, or some form of mounted weaponry or better defined crows nests it's blocking the passage of the mountain pass, but the defender usually wants to allow themselves to get outside to push forward just as much as they don't want their enemies to get through, so maybe a heavy gatehouse styled cogworked door or something. As I said, nothing wrong or bad with it, just a little more function in its purpose would be awesome to see. At the moment it's a big structure sitting in the middle of a pass blocking people getting out, and people getting through - it's purpose is an obstacle and lookout.

great stuff, that's just a few things to think about! keep up the good work [:)]

Submitted by Makk on Mon, 12/04/04 - 6:22 AMPermalink

Yeah, I agree the second one is alot better. The surface detialing really does it.
Designwise they are good, agian the second piece is the strongest here. The first one doesnt look very ominous or large. It could be the door though, look at the front door and compare it to the size of the rest of it.
I wouldnt change the line wieght, as you have got some varition in there plus I dont think they do much in enviro design.
If you havent, do some full colour enviros too, that way you can establish such things as colour, (colour)lighting and mood, which are important.
Like the lighting on it too btw, solid.
What size did you draw these at?

Submitted by Johnn on Sun, 18/04/04 - 2:21 AMPermalink

okay, after both markers running out (on consecutive days), felt tip pen wearing out and my printer running out of ink I have finally gotten around to doing a neat version of the guard post. Might do a ground level view in colour depending on enthusiasm levels.

Makk, all my marker stuff is on A4 paper with the exception of the rough guard tower in this post- it was done on a single A3 page. Oh! and below was 2 A4 pages :)


Submitted by smeg on Sun, 18/04/04 - 3:09 AMPermalink

Wow, nice concepts. I can really see these turning up in a tribes-esque desert skirmish...

Should look good in your folio.