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Unreal Tournament 2004 prices

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

  • Yes, the site looks very different and I've had to prematurely switch to this new theme that I'm working on for a few reasons, the main one is that changing certain aspects of the site to fit the new theme will affect how the old one looks for…

  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

    Here is some of my old work.. the first pic is of a 3d model of a human head I was working on about 2 years ago in 3dsmax, using nurbs. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't model a head with…

Submitted by souri on

It's coming out on the 15th this month in America, and should be released here soon after that. Anyone know the best/cheapest place to buy a copy? I've done a small search on prices from a few online stores... can't find how much electronic boutique are selling it here. (S.A) - $71.94 - $72 (Special Edition $85 now (was 79) - RRP $99.95) - NSW - $72 - $74.95 (free shipping) - $75.25 - $77.20 - $89.95

Incidently, it costs $39US (at Amazon or ebgames). I did a conversion to our currency so that makes it $52 AUS.. I guess shipping costs are hefty [;)] I would certainly buy more new PC games if they were around $52 though.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 20/03/04 - 11:53 PMPermalink

you really like doing that dont you....

Submitted by bullet21 on Sat, 27/03/04 - 8:04 AMPermalink

i think he's surprised that the camera worked :)

Submitted by souri on Sun, 28/03/04 - 12:38 AMPermalink

Damn.. let us know how the extra dvd is like - oh, and could you post a pic of the headset?

I'm still waiting on Gameswarehouse to even respond to my email (to change my order from the cancelled SE edition, to the normal and cumbersome 6 CD set). No idea when I'm even going to receive the game. [:P]

I'm kinda peeved about the SE cancellation. If they had told us earlier, I would at least have had the chance (like yourself and many others) to preorder a copy at Harvey Norman.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 1:49 AMPermalink

LOL oh my god that made me laugh so hard

yeh i suppose i was asking for it hey :P first question is ofcourse was the viagra box photosourced ;)

ive only had a quick look at the making of dvd so far. its pretty cool, some stuff might fly over peoples head if they're not familliar with certain terms used in 3d work but all of the UnrealED stuff is explained. So far ive only looked at the very start of making levels, basicly its two guys talking while you see whats on their screen.

The headphones are those ones that we talked about once before souri, the logitech ones with the gill like stripes on the side of the earpeice. still want a piccy?
btw there ok. Sound isnt amazing but it suffices, the mic is pretty average. i tried recording a wav file and it sounded ok but ppl have said i was a bit hard to understand online (apparently i sounded very quiet, which i wasnt, so it was either a mic or connection fault).

oh and the stickers (because like i know thats why your after SE ;) ) arent UT car stickers like they say. there three small normal like atari stickers. And its not a tin box, its a tin sleeve like thing. basicly its like a box without a top or bottom or a bit of the back, inside it is the carboard box (which sucks because it would have been neat to have a UT tin to store stuff in (that rhymed... meh))

you could still try HN, ring around asking if people have copys, my local didnt seem to have much demand because i was a top of the list when i ordered a few days after it was announced. Also you can try ordering online via HN website which automatically orders it from your closest HN store.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 28/03/04 - 2:27 AMPermalink

I thought I'd give it a shot after reading your message, so I called around a fair few stores. After many places have sold out, and enduring being put on hold for so long a few times (listening to the Go Harvey, Go Harvey, Go Harvey Norman jingle was driving me nuts), I finally found a place that has a copy available. I booked it, but the guy didn't seem interested in wanting my details (didn't even ask for my name or number - I had to tell him my name), so I'll be going there tomorrow.

btw, there was this one store that was charging $137 for it. I politely said my thanks, then hung up.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 28/03/04 - 3:14 AMPermalink

LMFAO @ new and improoved moonunit!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:19 AMPermalink

heh heh its a mark 2, inglis has done even more work on it

137!!!!! i only payed 100!!!!
its funny, i called one store asking about it and the guy knew about the game, about its exclusivity and so on and was extremely helpfull (i was ringing to see if he could transfer a copy to another store, which he couldt though, so i had to ring another place), when i rang the next store, i could barely understand the guy!! he also had no clue about the game or the fact that his store had an exclusive deal on it. Its really just a luck of the draw.

oh and that harvey norman hold music drove me nuts too :P

ahhh luck... its a funny game to play....
my video card is terrible as a few of you know and i need to save up for a new one, well the game runs fine (phew) and ive experienced no probs there. On the other hand the unrealED (you know, the thing which makes the vids worthwhile, the thing that is the entire point of buying SE) does not run, and i know (due to the error that pops up) its because of my video card. And it wont run untill 300 dollars later..... thats like 12 weeks on my shizen part time job.... damn this blows

Submitted by inglis on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink


what are the other onslaught maps like?

how does the one in the demo go up against them?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:59 AMPermalink

ive only got the chance to play like 3 or so new onslaugh maps but theyve been very good. The demo onslaught map was pretty much on par with them. Im sure people will have there faves and get sick of torlan (demo map) by the time they get the retail game tho. There was an ince map that i played that i really enjoyed. lots of fun to zoom around in the manta there. There was also a desert like map (allthough theres another one i think) which was also pretty good, but its massive canyons were a bit daunting to try and find your way around sometimes :P, im sure i just need to play the map more. Theres a few others that ive played and so on but i cant really offer much insight besides "it was fun to play"

i would like to comment on the space fighting though, it was actually not as good as i had hoped. Its only present in one assualt map in the entire game and its not really all that good, the reason being, you feel like you moving just so very very slowly and you as a result, all you can really do is fly towards your objective, without doing swoops and such. Consequently you get shot down very easily, because your moving so slow, you cant really pull off that much in the way of evasive manuevers. I dunno, maybe i just wasnt very good at it....
still you all know that vehicles in onslaught are lots of fun :D

and no, i havent had a chance to try out the leviathen yet :P

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 28/03/04 - 5:34 AMPermalink

geez moonunit, that girl in the background of your pic is a honey, who is she :P

Submitted by inglis on Sun, 28/03/04 - 6:03 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by bullet21

maybe it is inglis :P


its his dream girl. he is the crazy ass man on viagra....blame google image search. its the first thing that came up.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 6:09 AMPermalink

lol what exactly did you put in the search bar?

btw inglis i answered ur Qs on previous page (incase u didnt see)

Submitted by Idaho on Sun, 28/03/04 - 8:08 AMPermalink


i am ashamed[:I]

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 28/03/04 - 8:38 AMPermalink

It is interesting that you said that the headset isn't that great. I went in and ordered Farcry DVD edition from the local EB, and started talking about UT. It turns out that EB deliberately turned down the rights to the SE of UT2k4 (according to this guy at least). They had heard that the headsets were dodgy, so they didn't want to touch them.

That photo still doesn't beat the Viagra Tissue box (yes it is real :D)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 9:22 AMPermalink

headsets may not be that great but heck theres still the DVD, i dunno if that would have been EBs motive... then again EB would more likely get people ordering SE for the headsets as apposed to the DVDs (like casual gamers who go "ooh wow it comes with a headset" and who dont really care for modding).

Submitted by souri on Mon, 29/03/04 - 7:16 AMPermalink

Yes! I got a copy of UT2k4 SE today! The store had 7 copies on the shelf! Headset is adequate, but it feels kinda flimsy. Like it's going to break anytime now. When I first listened through them, they sounded kinda tinny.. After a while, it was ok.

The game is great fun. Played it since 3pm this afternoon! They've fixed up the bugs where I couldn't aim properly on most vehicles, so I'm very happy.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 30/03/04 - 7:41 AMPermalink

Put me in your buddy list! I'm on as "Sumea".

Some of the new levels are absolutely incredible. The onslaught maps are ok but the really outstanding levels (which none of the previews on gaming websites really showed off) are in deathmatch or capture the flag. Some of them look better than the sets in any Alien or other futuristic movie!

I'm a bit puzzled as to why Epic chose half the maps for the demo release. The bombing run map looks darn ugly and the deathmatch map (the one that looks like it's set in a warehouse) looks pretty average. Those maps would be 2 of the least visually appealing maps in the entire game.

The assault map that starts off in space - that is such an incredible looking level. I just run around there with god mode on just to look at all the details. The amount of levels with such a high quality is insane. I spent last night just trying to go through all of them and see what they're like.

I've read that the robot factory level chuggs a lot on most people's computers, but it runs pretty smoothly on my machine [:)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 30/03/04 - 8:30 AMPermalink

oh yeah i suppose i should put up my buddy name for peoples adding, guess what it is?

add: MoonUnit

omg UT just became even better, hit F11 to set up your own custom play list (mp3s)!!!! I was rocking it in CTF listening to "name of the game" by crystal method. awesome stuff (but the hypo music put my aim way off :P )

Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 31/03/04 - 6:19 AMPermalink

Souri: perhaps the demo levels were chosen because they ran well on low-end systems?
CYer, Blitz
*EDIT* PS For people who wanted the special edition purely so they could get it on DVD instead of 5(?) CD's, apparently a DVD version with just the game, none of the SE extras, will be released soon. I'm not sure if this was common knowledge or not.

Posted by souri on

It's coming out on the 15th this month in America, and should be released here soon after that. Anyone know the best/cheapest place to buy a copy? I've done a small search on prices from a few online stores... can't find how much electronic boutique are selling it here. (S.A) - $71.94 - $72 (Special Edition $85 now (was 79) - RRP $99.95) - NSW - $72 - $74.95 (free shipping) - $75.25 - $77.20 - $89.95

Incidently, it costs $39US (at Amazon or ebgames). I did a conversion to our currency so that makes it $52 AUS.. I guess shipping costs are hefty [;)] I would certainly buy more new PC games if they were around $52 though.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 20/03/04 - 11:53 PMPermalink

you really like doing that dont you....

Submitted by bullet21 on Sat, 27/03/04 - 8:04 AMPermalink

i think he's surprised that the camera worked :)

Submitted by souri on Sun, 28/03/04 - 12:38 AMPermalink

Damn.. let us know how the extra dvd is like - oh, and could you post a pic of the headset?

I'm still waiting on Gameswarehouse to even respond to my email (to change my order from the cancelled SE edition, to the normal and cumbersome 6 CD set). No idea when I'm even going to receive the game. [:P]

I'm kinda peeved about the SE cancellation. If they had told us earlier, I would at least have had the chance (like yourself and many others) to preorder a copy at Harvey Norman.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 1:49 AMPermalink

LOL oh my god that made me laugh so hard

yeh i suppose i was asking for it hey :P first question is ofcourse was the viagra box photosourced ;)

ive only had a quick look at the making of dvd so far. its pretty cool, some stuff might fly over peoples head if they're not familliar with certain terms used in 3d work but all of the UnrealED stuff is explained. So far ive only looked at the very start of making levels, basicly its two guys talking while you see whats on their screen.

The headphones are those ones that we talked about once before souri, the logitech ones with the gill like stripes on the side of the earpeice. still want a piccy?
btw there ok. Sound isnt amazing but it suffices, the mic is pretty average. i tried recording a wav file and it sounded ok but ppl have said i was a bit hard to understand online (apparently i sounded very quiet, which i wasnt, so it was either a mic or connection fault).

oh and the stickers (because like i know thats why your after SE ;) ) arent UT car stickers like they say. there three small normal like atari stickers. And its not a tin box, its a tin sleeve like thing. basicly its like a box without a top or bottom or a bit of the back, inside it is the carboard box (which sucks because it would have been neat to have a UT tin to store stuff in (that rhymed... meh))

you could still try HN, ring around asking if people have copys, my local didnt seem to have much demand because i was a top of the list when i ordered a few days after it was announced. Also you can try ordering online via HN website which automatically orders it from your closest HN store.

Submitted by souri on Sun, 28/03/04 - 2:27 AMPermalink

I thought I'd give it a shot after reading your message, so I called around a fair few stores. After many places have sold out, and enduring being put on hold for so long a few times (listening to the Go Harvey, Go Harvey, Go Harvey Norman jingle was driving me nuts), I finally found a place that has a copy available. I booked it, but the guy didn't seem interested in wanting my details (didn't even ask for my name or number - I had to tell him my name), so I'll be going there tomorrow.

btw, there was this one store that was charging $137 for it. I politely said my thanks, then hung up.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 28/03/04 - 3:14 AMPermalink

LMFAO @ new and improoved moonunit!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:19 AMPermalink

heh heh its a mark 2, inglis has done even more work on it

137!!!!! i only payed 100!!!!
its funny, i called one store asking about it and the guy knew about the game, about its exclusivity and so on and was extremely helpfull (i was ringing to see if he could transfer a copy to another store, which he couldt though, so i had to ring another place), when i rang the next store, i could barely understand the guy!! he also had no clue about the game or the fact that his store had an exclusive deal on it. Its really just a luck of the draw.

oh and that harvey norman hold music drove me nuts too :P

ahhh luck... its a funny game to play....
my video card is terrible as a few of you know and i need to save up for a new one, well the game runs fine (phew) and ive experienced no probs there. On the other hand the unrealED (you know, the thing which makes the vids worthwhile, the thing that is the entire point of buying SE) does not run, and i know (due to the error that pops up) its because of my video card. And it wont run untill 300 dollars later..... thats like 12 weeks on my shizen part time job.... damn this blows

Submitted by inglis on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink


what are the other onslaught maps like?

how does the one in the demo go up against them?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 4:59 AMPermalink

ive only got the chance to play like 3 or so new onslaugh maps but theyve been very good. The demo onslaught map was pretty much on par with them. Im sure people will have there faves and get sick of torlan (demo map) by the time they get the retail game tho. There was an ince map that i played that i really enjoyed. lots of fun to zoom around in the manta there. There was also a desert like map (allthough theres another one i think) which was also pretty good, but its massive canyons were a bit daunting to try and find your way around sometimes :P, im sure i just need to play the map more. Theres a few others that ive played and so on but i cant really offer much insight besides "it was fun to play"

i would like to comment on the space fighting though, it was actually not as good as i had hoped. Its only present in one assualt map in the entire game and its not really all that good, the reason being, you feel like you moving just so very very slowly and you as a result, all you can really do is fly towards your objective, without doing swoops and such. Consequently you get shot down very easily, because your moving so slow, you cant really pull off that much in the way of evasive manuevers. I dunno, maybe i just wasnt very good at it....
still you all know that vehicles in onslaught are lots of fun :D

and no, i havent had a chance to try out the leviathen yet :P

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 28/03/04 - 5:34 AMPermalink

geez moonunit, that girl in the background of your pic is a honey, who is she :P

Submitted by inglis on Sun, 28/03/04 - 6:03 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by bullet21

maybe it is inglis :P


its his dream girl. he is the crazy ass man on viagra....blame google image search. its the first thing that came up.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 6:09 AMPermalink

lol what exactly did you put in the search bar?

btw inglis i answered ur Qs on previous page (incase u didnt see)

Submitted by Idaho on Sun, 28/03/04 - 8:08 AMPermalink


i am ashamed[:I]

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 28/03/04 - 8:38 AMPermalink

It is interesting that you said that the headset isn't that great. I went in and ordered Farcry DVD edition from the local EB, and started talking about UT. It turns out that EB deliberately turned down the rights to the SE of UT2k4 (according to this guy at least). They had heard that the headsets were dodgy, so they didn't want to touch them.

That photo still doesn't beat the Viagra Tissue box (yes it is real :D)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 28/03/04 - 9:22 AMPermalink

headsets may not be that great but heck theres still the DVD, i dunno if that would have been EBs motive... then again EB would more likely get people ordering SE for the headsets as apposed to the DVDs (like casual gamers who go "ooh wow it comes with a headset" and who dont really care for modding).

Submitted by souri on Mon, 29/03/04 - 7:16 AMPermalink

Yes! I got a copy of UT2k4 SE today! The store had 7 copies on the shelf! Headset is adequate, but it feels kinda flimsy. Like it's going to break anytime now. When I first listened through them, they sounded kinda tinny.. After a while, it was ok.

The game is great fun. Played it since 3pm this afternoon! They've fixed up the bugs where I couldn't aim properly on most vehicles, so I'm very happy.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 30/03/04 - 7:41 AMPermalink

Put me in your buddy list! I'm on as "Sumea".

Some of the new levels are absolutely incredible. The onslaught maps are ok but the really outstanding levels (which none of the previews on gaming websites really showed off) are in deathmatch or capture the flag. Some of them look better than the sets in any Alien or other futuristic movie!

I'm a bit puzzled as to why Epic chose half the maps for the demo release. The bombing run map looks darn ugly and the deathmatch map (the one that looks like it's set in a warehouse) looks pretty average. Those maps would be 2 of the least visually appealing maps in the entire game.

The assault map that starts off in space - that is such an incredible looking level. I just run around there with god mode on just to look at all the details. The amount of levels with such a high quality is insane. I spent last night just trying to go through all of them and see what they're like.

I've read that the robot factory level chuggs a lot on most people's computers, but it runs pretty smoothly on my machine [:)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 30/03/04 - 8:30 AMPermalink

oh yeah i suppose i should put up my buddy name for peoples adding, guess what it is?

add: MoonUnit

omg UT just became even better, hit F11 to set up your own custom play list (mp3s)!!!! I was rocking it in CTF listening to "name of the game" by crystal method. awesome stuff (but the hypo music put my aim way off :P )

Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 31/03/04 - 6:19 AMPermalink

Souri: perhaps the demo levels were chosen because they ran well on low-end systems?
CYer, Blitz
*EDIT* PS For people who wanted the special edition purely so they could get it on DVD instead of 5(?) CD's, apparently a DVD version with just the game, none of the SE extras, will be released soon. I'm not sure if this was common knowledge or not.