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Far Cry Demo

Submitted by Aven on

I just finished downloading the 400mb+ demo for Far Cry. I have to admit that it is one of the most lively games that I have ever played. You are just always kept on your toes. That and the shadows are cool :D If you can afford the bandwidth or wait that long, then it is really worth a go.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 13/02/04 - 10:40 PMPermalink

I've got it here at work somewhere. I played it briefly.. Graphics were impressive. Shader effects were cool; Haven't seen much in the way of gameplay but I haven't really had a chance to play it properly. I'll probably take it home for the weekend, along with the UT2004 Demo.

Submitted by Doord on Sat, 14/02/04 - 12:40 AMPermalink

I didn't like it, Some of the environment look cool but the design/concept of the rest of the demo (and shots I have seen of the game) was/is lacking. The gameplay wasn't anything new.

Submitted by Aven on Sat, 14/02/04 - 2:51 AMPermalink

I think it runs perfectly. The frames may not be as high as UT2k3, but it is still silky smooth. It hasn't jerked on me yet, even having a gun fight in the middle of a jungle :D I run it at 1280x1024 w/ full graphic options. P4 2.53, 1gb ram, 128mb 9700pro. I don't have FSAA turned on though.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Sat, 14/02/04 - 4:03 AMPermalink

I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with the jungle.. The LOD system produces some pretty drastic popping effects. Looks very ugly. I didn't play with the video settings though, there might be a user-defined LOD bias.

Posted by Aven on

I just finished downloading the 400mb+ demo for Far Cry. I have to admit that it is one of the most lively games that I have ever played. You are just always kept on your toes. That and the shadows are cool :D If you can afford the bandwidth or wait that long, then it is really worth a go.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 13/02/04 - 10:40 PMPermalink

I've got it here at work somewhere. I played it briefly.. Graphics were impressive. Shader effects were cool; Haven't seen much in the way of gameplay but I haven't really had a chance to play it properly. I'll probably take it home for the weekend, along with the UT2004 Demo.

Submitted by Doord on Sat, 14/02/04 - 12:40 AMPermalink

I didn't like it, Some of the environment look cool but the design/concept of the rest of the demo (and shots I have seen of the game) was/is lacking. The gameplay wasn't anything new.

Submitted by Aven on Sat, 14/02/04 - 2:51 AMPermalink

I think it runs perfectly. The frames may not be as high as UT2k3, but it is still silky smooth. It hasn't jerked on me yet, even having a gun fight in the middle of a jungle :D I run it at 1280x1024 w/ full graphic options. P4 2.53, 1gb ram, 128mb 9700pro. I don't have FSAA turned on though.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Sat, 14/02/04 - 4:03 AMPermalink

I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with the jungle.. The LOD system produces some pretty drastic popping effects. Looks very ugly. I didn't play with the video settings though, there might be a user-defined LOD bias.