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Sumea Challenge #6 -3d- eightbitnasty

No brain to draw just yet but I have my rough idea. A one man band, in a classic derelict abandoned fairground setting. An enemy that you hear first, shoot later, echoing twisted percussive rhythms and detuned harmonica as it limps about. Accordian lungs, every time it sucks in air a folded mess expands then contracts limply with a squeek. Leather straps and steel hardware perversely attach each tired limb to a separate instrument, straps wearing at flesh and rusted metal staining the surrounding skin. etc etc. It's the player's job to get rid of it using a slow reloading weapon and a clumsy 3rd person control layout [;)]

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:08 PM Permalink

Cool idea Jacob :) I couldn't stop laughing just thinking of the Simpsons and a monkey clawing his face :D

I'm really looking forward to seeing your texturing job on this :)

No brain to draw just yet but I have my rough idea. A one man band, in a classic derelict abandoned fairground setting. An enemy that you hear first, shoot later, echoing twisted percussive rhythms and detuned harmonica as it limps about. Accordian lungs, every time it sucks in air a folded mess expands then contracts limply with a squeek. Leather straps and steel hardware perversely attach each tired limb to a separate instrument, straps wearing at flesh and rusted metal staining the surrounding skin. etc etc. It's the player's job to get rid of it using a slow reloading weapon and a clumsy 3rd person control layout [;)]

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:08 PM Permalink

Cool idea Jacob :) I couldn't stop laughing just thinking of the Simpsons and a monkey clawing his face :D

I'm really looking forward to seeing your texturing job on this :)