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Global RTS - Unit Models needed

Submitted by slog on

Moxy Studios is looking for an aspiring 3d modeller to assist with the creation of unit reticles for our upcomming game Global. If you are interested in the project and would like to assist please get in touch.

The following screen shot gives an indication of what we currently have.

The constraints.
Polycount of 400 per model.
Each model must be built arround the central circle - which is used to house battalions, and display current energy.
Simple geometric shapes. Will be rendered using transparency to give a 'holographic' feel to the units.

What we require is:
1. Army movement
2. Army combat

3. Navy movement
4. Navy combat

Each model will have a status pannel(inside the central circle) which is used to display a texture indicating the current status ie
a) default texture - totally transparent
b) low energy texture
c) dead texture
d) convoy texture

Submitted by KamoKid on Thu, 15/06/06 - 10:54 PM Permalink

contact page = Summer Hill
too easy

Posted by slog on

Moxy Studios is looking for an aspiring 3d modeller to assist with the creation of unit reticles for our upcomming game Global. If you are interested in the project and would like to assist please get in touch.

The following screen shot gives an indication of what we currently have.

The constraints.
Polycount of 400 per model.
Each model must be built arround the central circle - which is used to house battalions, and display current energy.
Simple geometric shapes. Will be rendered using transparency to give a 'holographic' feel to the units.

What we require is:
1. Army movement
2. Army combat

3. Navy movement
4. Navy combat

Each model will have a status pannel(inside the central circle) which is used to display a texture indicating the current status ie
a) default texture - totally transparent
b) low energy texture
c) dead texture
d) convoy texture

Submitted by KamoKid on Thu, 15/06/06 - 10:54 PM Permalink

contact page = Summer Hill
too easy