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for the massive mac community on sumea... *cough*

Submitted by J I Styles on

so... graphic designers and you freaky audiophiles, this one's for you.

Submitted by Jackydablunt on Fri, 07/04/06 - 7:23 AM Permalink

Man, when I was first made Designer the initial drafts of the HotDogs redesign had to be done on the boss' frrrikk'en ibook. The phrase "Whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger"? they weren't kiddin, I could take a prolonged interrogation session with the Gestapo now after workin with that little f&%ker... I still wake up screaming...


so... graphic designers and you freaky audiophiles, this one's for you.

Submitted by Jackydablunt on Fri, 07/04/06 - 7:23 AM Permalink

Man, when I was first made Designer the initial drafts of the HotDogs redesign had to be done on the boss' frrrikk'en ibook. The phrase "Whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger"? they weren't kiddin, I could take a prolonged interrogation session with the Gestapo now after workin with that little f&%ker... I still wake up screaming...