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IGDA Melbourne Chapter November 10 meeting


In response to the sad closure of Transmission Games, local games developer and teacher, Mark Flanagan, is re-establishing the local chapter of the IGDA, with the aim of providing long-term support and opportunities.

The IGDA ( is an organisation dedicated to improving developers' careers and lives through: Community, Professional Development, and Advocacy. It is open to anyone, from students to professional developers, and the Melbourne chapter encourages everyone involved in game development locally to come along and help to build the local community. This first meetup will be a chance to learn how to get involved, to plan for the future, and to have input into what you’d like to see at upcoming get togethers and events.

Freeplay is pleased to support the formation of this new local chapter, and co-director Paul Callaghan will give an overview of alternative funding models and opportunities for indie game developers.

When: Tuesday 10 November 7pm onwards

Where: The Embassy, 1 Queensbridge St Southbank

Facebook group:

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/11/09 - 11:25 AM Permalink

Hi there everybody!

I've been catching up with lots of developers, press and students over the weekend ( at IDEF) and there is a lot of interest and support for this event.

The greater the momentum we can generate for this re-launch, the better the organisation will be going forward, so I'm asking you to invite all of your colleagues and friends who might be interested.

I look forward to seeing you there, and sharing your thoughts on what you would like the organisation to achieve.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/11/09 - 11:02 AM Permalink

Hi Mark,

Sounds good. Something like this is amazingly timely and should be a cool way to meet up.
Charcoal, myself, and some of the other peeps have been in the throes of organising a monthly
indie pub meet at Horse Bazaar for people to speak about their games / get feedback / and
perhaps even hold game jams post-Freeplay. Probably a more relaxed affair, and keen to be
developer focused -- perhaps there's a way to roll this all into a big ball of arms + legs.

Dan Graf / Dan Dresser have also been holding Sydney IGDA get togethers at AFTRS and
their Facebook group is really active with a nice atmosphere. My only hesitation at all this
is that the IGDA moniker has been muddied a bit recently [ especially in eyes of indie folks ]
due to less than impressive actions on behald of Jason Della Rocca & Tim Lengdell EDGE etc ..
Anyway should be a good turnout; foam party sounds amazing.

-- Chuan

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/11/09 - 1:19 PM Permalink

120 developers
1 Film Victoria + 1 MMV representative
2,243,439,982 beers later

= v.good!


Changing development environment for locals, historic quality of ports vs. IP, 90s = good times,
check David Edery & Simon Carless talks at DDS '09 for th' nitty, baby steps, question aired ..

-- Chuan

Submitted by designerwatts on Wed, 11/11/09 - 1:48 PM Permalink

It was great to be able to catch up with everyone from the local indie scene and even a few local developers showed up as well. Students where abundant. It's great that the teachers are bringing their students to these events.

Paul gave a good talk on the trends of local game development and probably most importantly had some data and statistics to back up this findings. Also giving people some ideas on different ways they can grow and maintain a consumer base.

Lots of beer drinking. Lots of story exchange. Overall a good night and I hope to see more.