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Screenplay covers Steve Fawkner's Dissecta talk

If you missed out on the Puzzle Quest: Galactrix - The A.I. Doesn't Cheat! event organised by Dissecta (and hey, you were given ample heads up!), you can jump on over to Screenplay where Jason Hill has written a great summary of what was discussed by Infinite Interactive CEO and designer, Steve Fawkner. Steve described some of the game development issues around their recent games, as well as the studio's rapid growth in the last year and the problems that ensued...

Steve says many of the difficulties arose from juggling "three and a half" projects at once and the company growing from a staff of around 10 to 50 in just 12 months.

"It was absolutely mental," admits Steve, before adding that it is not something he wants to repeat. "Small inefficiencies were magnified."

Of course, Steve talked a whole lot about Galactrix, including reasons for some of the design decisions he made for the much loved puzzle and RPG hybrid, as well as the funding behind the game which came from Film Victoria's Digital Media Fund. Be sure to head on over to Screenplay to read up on the talk!