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Supanova at Game Musings

John Passfield has added an entry in his Game Musings blog covering the weekend activities and happenings in the Queensland games area during Supanova...

"I was on the Pandemic booth for the first three hours of the show and we had so many people drop by it was just insane trying to keep up.

One of the big things that we?re achieving from being at Supanova is educating people about how big and successful the Queensland games industry is. So many people were unaware that killer games like Destroy All Humans! and Total War were made here - but not anymore."

It sounds like a very exciting and fun event indeed, and if you were unfortunate enough not to be there this weekend, jump on over to John's Game Musings and have a read on what you missed out on!

Day 1 at Supanova Day2 at Supanova