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Game Developer Demographics Report


The IGDA has done another great survey with developers in the game industry with some fascinating results. I'll do my magic copy and paste action below...

The first of its kind, "Game Developer Demographics: An Exploration of Workforce Diversity" answers the question, ?who makes games?? by examining the demographic makeup of the development community. Nearly 6500 people participated in the survey, answering a series of questions pertaining to age, race, sexual orientation and education among other variables.

Key results of the demographic survey include:

* Male = 88.5%, Female = 11.5%
* White = 83.3%, Black = 2.0%, Hispanic/Latino = 2.5%, Asian = 7.5%, Other = 4.7%
* Heterosexual = 92%, Lesbian/Gay = 2.7%, Bisexual = 2.7%
* Average age = 31 years
* Average years in the industry = 5.4 years
* Percentage of people with disabilities = 13% (e.g., cognitive, mobility, sight, etc)
* More than 80% have a university level education or greater
* More than 60% of studios claim that obtaining diverse applicants is challenging

There are also some interesting responses to the survey from those who took part in it. I've marked a few memorable ones below...

#38 ?Trying to force diversity for diversity's sake is stupid. Searching world-wide for the best people naturally results in a fairly diverse team.? - M, 29, White, disabled, Uni, USA

#566 ?The way women are treated in this industry is shameful.? - F(les), 32, White, HS, USA

#569 ?It's all about who is qualified to do the job, not what they look like, where they come from, whatever. I don't care who you are, if you are good at making your part of the game and work well with the team, welcome aboard. ? - M, 33, White, Uni, USA

#602 ?The female voice is one that has been lacking in the gaming world. This has changed drastically over the past few years yet few people acknowledge the fact. It would be nice to see people open their eyes a bit more to this concept.? - F, 27, White, HS, USA

#1172 ?The fact is, women just aren't interested in videogames. There is little, if any, barriers to entry for women. Women actually have an advantage, because they are so rare. With regards to race, I'm an Asian, and I think the industry is basically colorblind. ? - M, 35, Chinese, Uni, USA

#6 ?I think this survey is quite ridiculous. We are here in the industry to work and to produce quality games, not to be politically correct and ensure that all facets of lifestyles and society are represented. I don't care who or what my colleagues are as long as they get the job done.? - M, 29, Southeast Asian, Uni, Canada

#16 ?Some of your questions are very questionable. You comming on to me?? - M, 22, White, disabled, HS, Canada