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Fun Burger announces Infiltrator-X


Fun Burger a leading developer of 3-D games for mobile phones, today announced their latest game, Infiltrator-X, a first person shooter game that goes above and beyond the quality of what has ever been produced on a mobile phone.

"Infiltrator-X allows console style graphics and gameplay on your mobile phone. With new hardware-accelerated phones designed with gamers in mind, we really saw the need to produce a high quality game that people can play for 5 minutes or 5 hours. Infiltrator-X is comparable in quality to console games whilst still being small enough to download over the air. Everyone who has seen the game so far has been totally amazed that we are doing games of this quality on a mobile phone!" says Mick Solomons, CEO of Fun Burger.

"Infiltrator-X uses a First-Person-Shooter engine tailor-made for running on a mobile phone. Using a compact level format and a proven asset pipeline, we have been able to make maximal use of the capabilities of the hand-held platforms we have developed it for. Our engine is layered on top of an OpenGL ES implementation. It promises to deliver large, fully 3D environments that match many high-end games in scale. Other features include simple, robust collision detection, vertex-based model animation as well as particle and lighting effects." says Chris Hayton, Technical Director of Fun Burger.

For further information on Fun Burger and Infiltrator-X, please visit Fun Burger's website at: