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Game Connect 08 videos

Hi folks, I trust everyone has had a great New Years break and is eager to get back to work! I've uploaded some of the footage I captured from Game Connect: Asia Pacific 08 to our youtube channel and you can see them in our media section. You're in for a bit of a treat because I have available so far the sessions by Yahtzee, Blue Tongue on de Blob, the keynote speaker from Animal Logic, as well as the opening keynote for the conference.

I've got a fair few more sessions to encode and upload, but darnit, these 10 minute high-quality widescreen segments take about 5 hours to upload each, so it's going to be some time to get them all up. Anyway, there are tonnes of other videos in our media section to view, so make yourselves a coffee, sit back and enjoy the show!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 06/01/09 - 12:53 AM Permalink

thanks Souri.

I havent watched the vids yet but i remember a lot of the animal logic stuff wasnt for public.. did you black stuff out or is it ok now?

Submitted by souri on Tue, 06/01/09 - 1:06 AM Permalink

The sensitive stuff (regarding the new movie) wasn't captured. I had the camera on Zareh Nalbandian while he was talking through it, but there's no footage of the concept art, any stills, the awesome preview animation, not even the logo of the movie title which someone got in trouble for taking a photo of.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)