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Developers, please come to the next Brisbane IGDA meeting!


Submitted by Mick Gordon

The Brisbane IGDA is having its first meeting of 2005! A casual pub meeting for developers to relax and meet each other, talk about the IGDA, and generate ideas for upcoming events. The speechifying part will be very short, and you can leave anytime with no hard feelings.

Anyone who is active or once-active in the game development industry is more than welcome. Those not in the industry, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the community. This time, the idea is to gel those of us in the industry so we can do that outreach in the near future.

We are having it on Sunday, 6 Feb, @ 3:00 PM Plough Inn, Stanley Street Plaza, Southbank. See which has a map and directions, or call 07 3844 7777.

FINDING US: We will meet in the covered outdoor Gazebo area. Look for a black Xbox hat and computer game boxes on the tables, as well as a crowd of rapidly chattering people with nimble, pale, and well-developed fingers.

Please keep up-to-date with any changes by viewing the Brisbane IGDA forum at :

Hope to see you all there!

Mick Gordon
Social Director
Greater Brisbane IGDA