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Project Offset Licensed

No one can deny that what the small handful of people over at Offset Software have been able to achieve has been incredible. Starting off with 3 developers from Savage (a game which had a seven man development team) and working under their own steam, they've managed to produce an incredible engine and some great art assets, grabbing quite a lot of interest along the way. The latest news is that Red 5 Studios, comprised of key ex-Blizzard developers and executives behind "World of Warcraft", will be licensing their engine for a MMO game...

Red 5 Studios, an independent developer of massively multiplayer online entertainment, and Offset Software, a developer of next generation games, today announce that Red 5 Studios has agreed to license the Offset Engine for use in Red 5 Studios' upcoming massively multiplayer online game (MMO) title.

"Offset Software's next generation graphics are simply stunning," said Mark Kern, President and CEO of Red 5 Studios. "And Offset's content creation tools will enable Red 5 Studios to add real-time cinematic quality to our game world."

The interesting part about Offset Software is that employee number four, and one of the directors of the company, is none other than Rodney Green!

As you might know, Rod is the highly talented bloke who's been a member and frequent visitor of Sumea, and as a regular on the panel of expert judges for the Sumea Modeller Challenges. He also gave a workshop on animation at the first Free Play conference in Melbourne if you were lucky enough to catch that. Rod has worked at Atari Melbourne House, then moved on overseas to work with BioWare, before joining the ranks on the Offset team as Technical Art Director. Go Rod :D