The Herald Sun has an article on the recent announcement on the way games are to be rated Australia-wide, making them more inline with films...
"Attorney-General Rob Hulls said yesterday all states, territories and the Commonwealth had, for the first time, agreed to a uniform classification system for films and computer games.Under the changes, computer games will now be rated G, PG, M, MA 15+ or RC (refused classification).
"Computer games will adopt the system used by films to make it easier for consumers, especially parents, to make informed choices about computer games and films their children are viewing," Mr Hulls said."
Still no R rating for games though
I seem to remember seeing a few R rated movies during my lifetime. I guess now they'll be RC ;-)
yeah, hardly a 'uniform classification system' if your missing a classification!
their chance to finally get the R rating in and the blow it
we can't import hentai dating sims, and that means anime companies can't import because the classification costs are too expensive to repay over the sale of each individual title ... we are just retarded compared to the whole rest of the world, entire genres are lost too us.
We are governed by idiots...