This is Hermans neat Drawing!!! isn't he good???
This is Hermans neat Drawing!!! isn't he good???
This is Hermans neat Drawing!!! isn't he good???
yeah, alhtough the body is seriously twisted. Look at her back leg and the angle its on, compare that with the chest. Maybe tweak the leg so its facing the same direction as the knee (on the left). The face looks a bit "man-ish"
REally like the design of her though, espacailly the swirly stuff on the weapons.
yeah, alhtough the body is seriously twisted. Look at her back leg and the angle its on, compare that with the chest. Maybe tweak the leg so its facing the same direction as the knee (on the left). The face looks a bit "man-ish"
REally like the design of her though, espacailly the swirly stuff on the weapons.