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Australian Game Industry Under Threat Response by John Passfield

John Passfield has written a response to the Australian Game Industry Under Threat article that made news in the Sydney Morning Herald last week. In his blog, Game Musings, John disagrees that the industry needs a huge cash injection from the government to save it, citing other areas that are more important to consider, like managing/running a better business, respecting staff, and taking advantage of outsourcing...

"I?m not saying that the Australian games industry isn?t under threat. In fact, I think it is. The threat to the Australian games industry isn?t the large multinationals or lack of government funding. No sir. The biggest threat to the Australian games industry is the Australian game development companies.

You see, a lot of these companies have grown organically over the years and, believe it or not, many have never made the transition to become real businesses. So many companies are badly run and hemorrhage money like you wouldn?t believe."

An insightful read, be sure to post your comments and opinions in his Game Musings blog entry!